Repairing the Earth with Love, a Significant International Response from Nearly 200 Countries


The "Peace Declaration" was jointly proclaimed at the 2001 World Citizenship Assembly (WCA) in the presence of over 600 delegates from 67 countries.

The rate of climate change has accelerated, and the world is in dire straits. In Europe and the United States, there are heat waves and wildfires. Hailstorms can be seen in Hokkaido, Japan, and the "Kuroshio Current" phenomenon continues to snake. The sea is warming, the ecology is unbalanced, and the planet is in a major crisis. Humans must respect life, cherish nature, and act now to ensure the earth's long-term sustainability. Since the global endorsement of "Declarations for Human Rights of World Citizens and Peace" in 1999, 197 countries and over 3.73 million people have signed and supported the global network, expressing humanity's hope for a peaceful world free of grief, fear, war, and pain as soon as possible.

Dr. Hong Tao-Tze assembled a CD of two million people's signatures in 2004 and invited Ms. Kirby, Chairman of the 57th United Nations DPI/NGO Conference, and Ms. Li Wei, Chairman of the Executive Committee, to present it to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The global endorsement of "Declarations for Human Rights of World Citizens and Peace" includes four major declarations. The first, "Love of the World: A Declaration of Peace," was inspired by three massive earthquakes that struck Colombia, Turkey, and Taiwan in 1999, causing major disasters and counterattacks on the face of the earth. Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, the Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, and nearly 40,000 religious leaders and people prayed together on September 25, 1999, at the "World Love vs Blessing Night." Dr. Hong issued "Love of the World: A Declaration of Peace," urging all beings on Earth to be loving and kind. He immediately initiated a global co-signing of the declaration, which he engraved on the top of the "Bell of World Love and Peace." The second is the "Peace Declaration," which was jointly proclaimed at the 2001 World Citizenship Assembly (WCA) in the presence of over 600 delegates from 67 countries, ushering in a new era of human civilization in the twenty-first century.

Douglas Mattern, President of the United Nations NGO Association of World Citizens, presented Dr. Hong with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" in recognition of his endeavors to world citizenship.

The third is the 2002 "Declaration of Human Rights for World Citizens," which emphasizes that peace arises from the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. "All things follow the law of nature. The origin of Heaven, Earth and human beings is one. A genuine heart conveys genuine love. We have traveled the world for peace." We can integrate the hearts of the world and usher in a new era of peace by using love as a driving force and cultural exchanges. The joint signing activity was met with enthusiasm. Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Honorary Vice President and Advisory Committee of the United Nations NGO Association of World Citizens, assembled a CD of two million people's signatures in 2004 and invited Ms. Kirby, Chairman of the 57th United Nations DPI/NGO Conference, and Ms. Li Wei, Chairman of the Executive Committee, to present it to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The fourth is the “Declaration of International Love and Peace Day,” which was proclaimed in 2005. The fate of the world is inextricably linked, bringing all countries closer together as a family, uniting and cooperating with one another. At the 30th anniversary meeting of the United Nations NGO Association of World Citizens in 2005, Douglas Mattern, President of the United Nations NGO Association of World Citizens, presented Dr. Hong with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" in recognition of his endeavors to world citizenship.

Volunteers of an Era of Conscience raised conscience in a flash mob on the street and appeared on the massive screen in Times Square in New York.

Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, the Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, has long advocated the use of love and conscience to promote a culture of peace, which not only influences leaders from various countries, but also creates a butterfly effect of kindness all over the world. With the constant occurrence of natural and man-made disasters, humans must recognize that the current crisis is not insignificant, and they must use their conscience and wisdom to unite and collaborate with global citizens to jointly solve the problem of sustainable development. Dr. Hong Tao-Tze launched the Movement of an Era of Conscience on January 1, 2014, stating that "the era of conscience is the key to a sustainable future." On February 16, the "Movement of an Era of Conscience" held its global launch ceremony via 25 connections around the world. It was congratulated by the heads of state and government of over 40 countries, as well as ambassadors and UN representatives. The "Declaration for the Movement of an Era of Conscience" global co-signing ceremony was held on August 17, 2014, in San Jose, USA, and it was quickly promoted to five continents by the Movement of an Era of Conscience's international volunteers. The United Nations ushered in a new era of conscience, launching a creative flash mob called "Raising Conscience" in many cities and appearing on the massive screen in Times Square. During the 2016 UN DPI/NGO Conference, young volunteers explained the Declaration for the Movement of an Era of Conscience to then-UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

During the 2016 UN DPI/NGO Conference, young volunteers explained the Declaration for the Movement of an Era of Conscience to then-UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, the Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, has led Tai Ji Men dizi, members of the Federation of World Peace and Love, and members of the United Nations NGO Association of World Citizens at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and Vienna, with Bahrain, Kiribati, and Equatorial Guinea, since April 5, 2018, in order to awaken world citizens' conscience, unite as one to save the world crisis, and move towards sustainable development. These embassies collaborated to hold several meetings to jointly formulate a resolution on "Promoting a Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience," and they signed the "Declaration of International Day of Conscience." On April 5, 2019, the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna declared this day the "International Day of Conscience." The 73rd UN General Assembly approved the Kingdom of Bahrain's resolution on "Promoting a Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience" on July 25, 2019. The draft document declares every year April 5th as International Day of Conscience and invites all countries and people from all walks of life to continue to respond to and promote the International Day of Conscience. It is hoped that by responding to the International Day of Conscience, people's conscience awareness will be raised, conscience will be implemented in their daily lives, and good influence will be exerted in their respective positions, and that love can maintain the balance between people, between people and nature, and create a stable and peaceful world.

International volunteers of an Era of Conscience promoted the movement of an Era of Conscience in Vienna.

Since its inception in 2014, the "Declaration for the Movement of an Era of Conscience" has been signed by people from 200 countries. On February 5, 2019, the "Declaration of International Day of Conscience" was launched at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. People from 198 countries have signed up so far. We encourage everyone to use the Internet and sign up to share kind hearts and thoughts for the benefit of the world, in the hope of achieving peace: with conscience, a peaceful world follows; with happiness, joyful families arrive!

The International Conference of Chief Justices of the World in India also responded to the International Day of Conscience.

The global endorsement of "Declarations for Human Rights of World Citizens and Peace": Global Endorsement (

The global endorsement of "Declarations for Human Rights of World Citizens and Peace":
Global Endorsement (