Reclaiming the universality of human rights


Organized by International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organization Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR), the 40th Congress of FIDH will take place in Taipei, Taiwan, during 21-25 October 2019. Founded in 1922, FIDH is the first international human rights NGO headquartered in Paris consisting of 184 organizations from 112 countries to defend all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. TAHR is founded on the International Human Rights Day, 1984, committed to securing and protecting human rights from all forms of violation.

The Congress is hold every three years. It is FIDH’s first Asia Congress in Taiwan with over 400 human rights defenders of its member organizations, local and regional civil society activists, diplomatic and political representatives, and high-level figures from around the world discussing the universality of human rights in a dynamic and highly participatory atmosphere.

Almost 100 years since the creation of FIDH, and more than 70 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the universality of human rights has never been more questioned and undermined. The shrinking space for civil society, the crisis of multilateralism, and the attacks on human rights defenders, indigenous people, environmental defenders, and independent media have become worldwide trends.

The Forum of the 40th FIDH Congress will seek solutions to the threats and challenges faced by the universality of human rights in today’s world by presenting best practices that human rights defenders, civil society, and other actors have put in place to respond to these challenges.

Source: International Federation for Human Rights