Save the Children CEO: 'It is Imperative Children and Families are Safely and Expediently Reunited'


In anticipation of the federal government not meeting the court-ordered deadline to reunite children under 5-years-old with their migrant parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, Carolyn Miles, President & CEO of Save the Children issued the following statement:

Save the Children continues to be deeply concerned about children, the most vulnerable in this crisis, who are still apart from their parents. It is imperative children and families are safely and expediently reunited through a collaborative interagency effort, and their best interests are met as they are reunified.

As a parent, I cannot imagine surviving a horrific and dangerous journey – as these mothers and fathers have -- and then have my child forcibly taken away from me. Save the Children condemns the inhumane practice of separating children from their parents and is working to support the immediate, safe reunification of families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

As a global leader in supporting family reunifications, Save the Children is using our expertise to help children and families affected by forced separation in America. We have a long-standing history serving children in the Northern Triangle and Mexico, and have helped reunite separated families for many years. We continue these efforts today and are working in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico to identify parents who were deported back to their countries of origin, while their children remain separated and detained in the U.S. As these parents are identified, we will work to help them locate and safely reunite with their children, and from there, support them in getting access to essential services they need to re-establish themselves.

Every minute a child is without his or her family can cause irreparable harm, and we urge federal agencies involved in this man-made crisis to stop putting children at further risk and not prolong unnecessary separation during the reunification process. Children deserve better.

Source: Save the Children