Joint Response Plan for Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis: An appeal for US$ 951 million to assist 1.3 million people


The Joint Response Plan (JRP) for the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis is being launched this afternoon at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva by Mr. Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR; Mr. William Swing, Director General of the International Organisation for Migration, IOM and Ms. Mia Seppo, UN Resident Coordinator for Bangladesh.

A family in their tent at the Balukhali makeshift, in Cox's Bazar.

The JRP is an appeal for US$ 951 million, to assist 1.3 million people including 884,000 Rohingya refugees and 336,000 host community members until the end of the year. (March 2018 to December 2018). The appeal includes contingency planning for an estimated 80,000 more Rohingya refugees in the coming months.

Urgent funding is required to meet life-saving and acute humanitarian needs of refugees as well as affected host communities. More than half the appeal (54%) is for the Food Security and WASH, Shelter and NFI sectors, combined. Food alone is 25% of the overall appeal.

Over 16 million litres of safe water are needed per day for the Rohingya refugee population; 12,200 metric tons of food are required per month to sustain the refugee population. At least 180,000 refugee families need cooking fuel; 50,000 latrines need to be constructed and maintained and at least 30 sludge management facilities to process over 420,000 kg for faeces, per day.

Forty-three Primary Health Centres and 144 Health posts are needed; 5,000 classrooms for 614,000 children and youth so that they can learn; 100 nutrition treatment centres; and a range of protection programmes for the 144,000 single mothers and their families and the 22,000 children at risk are an urgent priority. Some 400,000 children in refugee and host communities require trauma and related support.

There are challenges ahead. The congested conditions, hundreds of incidents of gender-based violence that continue to be reported weekly; public health concerns including measles, diphtheria and diarrhoea. The early rains in a few weeks risk triggering landslides, flash floods and disease outbreaks; after which the cyclone and monsoon seasons are expected. More than 150,000 refugees now reside in areas that will flood or collapse with the rainy season.

The Rohingya refugee situation in Cox’s Bazar is an acute humanitarian crisis that needs urgent funding to save lives and provide aid that is essential for thousands of people. The JRP is an appeal that brings together over 130 partners from the UN system, international and national NGOs complementing the extraordinary generosity of the host Government of Bangladesh.

Source:World Food Programme