WFP supports people with disabilities through school meals in LAO PDR


Children with disabilities will be receiving nutritious meals at school thanks to a new partnership in Lao PDR between the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Vientiane Special School for children with hearing and visual impairments.

To promote inclusive development and mainstream gender and disabilities into all its programmes, WFP has extended its school meals programme to institutions in Luang Prabang and Vientiane. They will receive food for daily school meals, and non-food items to establish vegetable gardens which should further improve the dietary diversity of students.

“We want to ensure access to quality education and nutritious food for all children, including those with disabilities, so that they have the same opportunities as everyone else,” said Somphou Keopanya, Director-General of the Vientiane Capital Provincial Education and Sports Services.

“Children with disabilities deserve equal opportunities in education. Providing them with daily meals will allow them to stay in school and get the nutrition and support they need for a brighter future,” said Sarah Gordon-Gibson, WFP Country Director and Representative.

WFP has recently made a second delivery of food, including rice, lentils, canned fish and fortified vegetable oil, to the schools for the second semester of the 2017/18 academic year.

WFP recently signed a partnership agreement with the Laos Disabled People’s Association (LDPA), a civil-society organisation advocating for the rights of people with disabilities. Together with LDPA, WFP is building staff capacity and learning how to best support, promote and strengthen the empowerment of people with disabilities in its programmes.

Source:World Food Programme