Fundamental rights in Hungary: MEPs call for triggering Article 7


The situation in Hungary justifies the triggering of the procedure which may result in sanctions for Hungary, MEPs say in a resolution adopted on Wednesday.

● MEPs see serious deterioration of rule of law and democracy
● Controversial laws must be suspended or withdrawn
● EU funds for Hungary under surveillance

Wrapping up a previous plenary debate, MEPs say that Hungary’s current fundamental rights situation justifies launching the formal procedure to determine whether there is a “clear risk of a serious breach” of EU values by a Member State.

The resolution calls for:

● the launching of Article 7(1). MEPs instruct the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs to draw up a formal resolution for a plenary vote

● the Hungarian Government to repeal laws tightening rules against asylum-seekers and non-governmental organisations, and to reach an agreement with the US authorities, making it possible for Central European University to remain in Budapest as a free institution

● the European Commission to strictly monitor the use of EU funds by the Hungarian Government

A test for the EU

Recent developments in Hungary have led to a serious deterioration in the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights which is testing the EU’s ability to defend its founding values, MEPs say. They also repeated the need for a process to safeguard the EU’s core values supported in the resolution of 25 October 2016.

The resolution was adopted by 393 votes to 221 with 64 abstentions.

Source: European Parliament