The Death of London’s Roman Empire - Part 2
It is the nature of the universe, a nature which must be the guidance of all sane nations and their peoples, that our universe demands, as a condition for our survival, that we pursue a vigorously anti-entropic policy of universal practice, as, for the case of “fire,” which only mankind among all living creatures, practices, through a persistent increase in the energy-flux-density in the principal forms of action on which not only the progress, but the very survival of a human culture depends.
So, survival of mankind exists, presently, only in a vigorous advance into the increased power to exist of an age defined by nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion, and beyond, exactly as the history of the emergence of, and progress in life on Earth has always depended, so far, and will depend, increasingly in the decades immediately ahead.
The currently onrushing great general economic-breakdown crisis, has been, in a large degree, the increasingly contrary, and increasingly fatal error of belief and practice among our citizens and the institutions of government which is called “monetarism,” “monetary theory,” and such. In short, the conflict between President Franklin Roosevelt and John Maynard Keynes, during the proceedings of the 1944 Bretton Woods conference.
The trouble was, that soon after that, President Franklin Roosevelt died, to be succeeded by a Vice-President Harry S Truman who had been a Wall Street Democratic Party crony of fascist-leaning implications, and, also, a bit of a late-comer in recognizing the nature of the evil of those combined British and Wall Street financier interests, such as the head of the Bank of England and his partner, Brown Brothers Harriman, which had, in fact, brought Adolf Hitler to power in Germany.
Already, once the Allied forces, led by General Dwight Eisenhower, had effected the successful landing in Normandy, the same old “American Tory” attachment was resumed as the expression of Franklin Roosevelt haters whose loyalties had lain between those British imperialist interests and their Wall Street cronies who, as in the case of Brown Brothers Harriman and its official Prescott Bush, had funded bringing Adolf Hitler into power in Germany. The British intelligence service’s role in the wrecking of the surrender being prepared by relevant German generals, and the seemingly insane Montgomery-led caper of the First Army, successfully postponed the gaining of the Allied victory for virtually another year, during which many Americans in service, and others, died. With the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, and the accession of the Wall Street-friendly Harry S Truman, the cause of our United States suffered a defeat from which we have never fully recovered as a nation, to the present day—despite great Presidents such as the Dwight Eisenhower and the John F. Kennedy who operated under hostile and also, especially for President Kennedy and his brother, implicitly deadly conditions.
Thus, the time came, when the assassination of President Kennedy had plunged the United States into the long, foolish war in Indo-China, from which our United States has never resumed its true self, to the present day.
So, in these and like ways, most among our lawful and other political leaders, have lost a large part of the essential moral and intellectual inclination which was specific to the founding of what was to become our republic in Seventeenth-century Massachusetts, and in the great achievements under our greatest elected and other leaders during sundry periods of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, as, also, under a President Franklin Roosevelt whose conscience inherited the devotion of an ancestor, Isaac Roosevelt, who had been allied with the designer of our U.S. constitutional economic policy, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton.
We had also been led, in a good time, by a President Franklin Roosevelt whose comprehension of our great Constitutional principle is virtually unknown among most of those newly elected members of the U.S. Congress today, who, if allowed, will destroy what remains of our republic, members of the Congress who, today, proceed, in large part, with brutish lack of comprehension of the nature of their own incompetence. How could a man swear an oath to perform a duty of which he has no comprehension?
Today, there is presently virtually no comprehension of the actuality of those great principles on which the unique genius of our republic had depended thus far. Without re-educating much of our republic’s political leadership, and citizens alike, by giving them back the great principles understood by those, such as the Winthrops and Mathers, who planted the roots of our great American design, there is little likelihood that either our republic, or any part of the world’s civilization at large, will survive the increasingly terrible months now just ahead.
Presently, most of the trans-Atlantic world’s leaders, and ordinary folk, too, have a gambler’s instinctive wish for good luck, rather than relying upon scientifically valid principles. They cast dice with little reason, and hate the most, any person who doubts the infallibility of their desperate, and wretchedly failed ambition. When doom descends upon them, they whine: “They should not have let this happen to me. You must bail me out, whatever it might cost you, even the very life of the members of your family!”
To get down to fundamentals, respecting my numerous achievements as a forecaster, contrary to that of notable other specialists in the field, the difference between my successful method of forecasting and analysis, and their usually failed foresights, has been, essentially, ontological: Their forecasts are premised on a statistical (e.g., phenomenological) standpoint (statistics, the Sarpian, “touchy-feely” Liberalism of Adam Smith), whereas mine are ontological (physical principles). The most publicized example of this difference, is that reflected in my defeat of a leading British economist of the intrinsically pro-fascist tradition of the cult of “creative destruction” of such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Werner Sombart, Joseph Schumpeter, and the likes of Larry Summers: the Professor Abba Lerner whom I defeated in a celebrated New York’s Queens College debate on December 2, 1971.
Instead of those prevalent, but essentially incompetent notions of principles of political-economy, we must consider economy as not statistical monetarism, but as being at the core of the principles of a human practice of a physical science.
Economy as Physical Science
Contrary to the poor fellows who had lately come to occupy precious positions of government and the like, any distinctively competent form of a physical science of economy for today, is essentially a reflection of the current of physical science coherent with two of the greatest scientific geniuses of recent centuries, Bernard Riemann and the Academician V.I. Vernadsky who was no Marxist, but a patriot of Russia who performed his mission of devotion to both Russia and Ukraine, and, to humanity at large, as well.
For the purpose of an adequate appreciation of the relevance of Vernadsky’s leading contributions to a less imperfect science of physical economy, still today, we must recognize the crucial role which the work of physicist Bernhard Riemann had contributed in defining the conceptual foundations for all of those most singular achievements which were either contributed by Vernadsky, or expressed a shared world-outlook respecting not only science, but on mankind as such, an outlook, which, despite those statisticians who seem to trace their intellectual ancestry to Jonathan Swift’s floating island of Laputa, permeates still all of the greatest of the surviving achievements of science in the world at large still today.
Apart from the fact, that I have been an extraordinarily, even often, uniquely successful physical-economic forecaster since my first such success in 1956-7, all of my own significant contributions to any actually competent notion of a physical science of economy, have been, essentially, a product of the interrelationship between my own knowledge of a physical-economic process as such, and the foundations, in the fundamental contributions of Riemann, for appreciating what I later came to recognize as the indispensable function, for a competent science of economy, of Vernadsky’s rigorous treatment of the respective and interdependent notions of the lithosphere, biosphere, and noösphere.
Thus, competent economic science, is physical-economic science, not statistical forecasting. It has nothing to do with the likes of such charlatans as both that pair of dupes of Bertrand Russell, the John von Neumann and Professor Norbert Wiener whom David Hilbert had tossed out of the faculty at Göttingen. More to the point, recently accumulated investigations bearing on the leading role of what is termed a “cosmic radiation” permeating what is never, and nowhere a part of “empty space,” now depend on deeper insight into the conclusive quality and forward-looking implications of the apparent qualitative divisions, and interrelations among the lithosphere, biosphere, and noösphere within the confines of that region which our Solar system inhabits on our galaxy’s periphery.
In addition to what relevant physical-science professionals have brought to us, as such, my own leading work concerning the human mind, intersects those considerations in a crucial way. The most relevant implication of these considerations, is the proof of the falseness of the naive notion of “sense-certainty,” a proof which shows us that the human mind’s true function is that mind’s direct relationship to the universe, as ancient, trans-oceanic maritime cultures from no later than the last great ice age, already anticipated, in practice, the Kepler-Einstein principle of trans-oceanic navigation, that the universe of the stellar navigational system’s star-map, is finite, but not bounded.4
The unique success of Johannes Kepler in defining the Mars and Earth solar orbits in his New Astronomy, and his subsequent, uniquely original discovery of a principle of gravitation, in his Harmonies, point out to us the significance of what Kepler himself defines as a method of “vicarious hypothesis,” a discovery of the ancient Platonic method, and that of Nicholas of Cusa, which assumes its momentous character in the uniqueness of Kepler’s discovery of the principle of gravitation. Hence, Einstein’s genius in insight into the explicit notion of a universe as finite but not bounded.
Similarly, for most of that time which we can presently attribute to the existence of manifest forms of life on our planet Earth, the evidence has been, that life had been long expressed, chiefly, in something approximating unicellular forms of animal and vegetable life. Thus, for most of what we consider as relevant fossil resources, known human societies have depended upon the accumulation of the massed dead bodies of unicellular, or comparable forms of life.
The development of life itself on Earth, has been the notable cause of the changes in the environment of the planet and its surface, changes which have, in turn, made possible the emergence of higher forms of life. The development of the function of oxygen for life, thus led to the consequent development of the new functional phase-space for life-forms, known as that “ozone layer” which provides the protection needed for higher forms of life. This presents me and my associates in scientific researches with two phase-spaces, each of which has its own characteristics for the way in which life is organized on this planet during the course of the evolutionary development of the respective “platforms.”
Such is a fair description of the matter to be considered. The case of iron ores is an illustration.
Most of the raw materials on which civilization depends today are found in fossil remains, such as iron deposits, left behind by deceased forms of what had been living processes. Thus, when we gather up and employ “iron ores,” we are depleting the density of the forms of ores left behind by long-deceased expressions of life concentrated in certain environments in this manner. Hence, to overcome the loss of richness of such resources left behind, we must act in ways which have the effect of increasing the equivalent of “the energy-flux density” of the sources of heat-power applied to production for human needs. This pattern of proceeding from raw materials and heat-processes of relatively lower, to higher orders of energy-flux density, has been the basis for every case of a society’s ability to maintain its population’s ability to maintain an improved, or even a constant level of potential relative population density.
Only the scientifically insane could believe, today, in the outright fraud of presuming that the degeneration of the productive powers of labor by reliance on such wasteful nonsense as windmills and “solar collectors” is allegedly sane policies of practice.
Mankind’s willful progress in the discovery and use of heat-sources of relevant forms of higher degrees of energy-flux density, is the precondition for maintaining a viable form of human culture at a pre-existing level. Today, the use of the sources of power such as nuclear fission, and of thermonuclear fusion, have become a growing ration of the indispensable means of rising standards of “energy-flux density” which are, more and more, indispensable for preventing a society’s physical and moral degeneracy through attritional processes.
Not only must society rely upon increases in the level of energy-flux densities controlled and employed; mankind must organize the environment by aid of revolutionary transformations of society’s cultures to higher levels of the equivalent of energy-flux density.
There is no sane excuse today, for what are the actually mass-homicidal practices of what are called “green” anti-nuclear policies and the like today.
For reasons related to such considerations as those, a competent practice of the principles of economy depends upon discarding virtually everything usually taught as “economics” in common practice of economists and related others today. Therefore, we should not find ourselves surprised, to learn that a competent practice of economics as a science, takes us into what is, in fact, the most profound, and least well known of all presently known branches of physical science. The principle of “energy-flux density,” is among the simplest of those often neglected considerations.
It is mankind’s tendency to recognize crucial qualities of proof respecting those universal physical principles which are specifically accessible to the development of the processes of the human mind, which defines an implicitly direct relationship between the creative powers innately developable in the human mind and the universe with which that mind is interacting. It is man’s conception of that relationship between ourselves, our cultural progress, as in science, and the universe which man inhabits, which is the basis for anything of truthful value which man can adduce for lowered ontological forms of existence.
To proceed from that broad overview of man in the universe, to the preconditions for man’s overcoming the forces of attrition, we must consider some among the most important of the relatively simpler of the physical-scientific considerations. I begin the series of considerations to be taken into account, by explaining my objections to the continuing use of the term “infrastructure.”
III. The Allusion to ‘Infrastructure’
I have, recently, discarded further use of the term “infrastructure” as a term of professional economics. Instead, I have introduced the term “platforms,” as notions to free me of the popular, but imprecise meaning of the term “environment.” There have been several crucial considerations.
I shall approach the subject of these platforms, in two, successive ways. First, I shall indicate the terms to be used as definitions of certain, pivotal technical terms used for this purpose. Second, I shall restate the case in terms describing an actually historical process which represents the modern cultural roots of the existence of our United States. The significance of those notions, is that they correspond to the character of space-time relations within both the planet and its particular regions, rather than being typical of the limits of an occurrence of a specific localized action.
Therefore, I begin this chapter with the included subject of the transport functions listed in historical, or quasi-historical orderings: water (maritime); water (riparian/rivers integrated with canals—as under Charlemagne); railway systems; high-speed transcontinental railway systems; very-high-speed track (rail or maglev) systems; ultra-high speed systems (e.g. 1000 mph in semi-evacuated tubes); and, extra-terrestrial systems.
Next, we have to consider the chemical infrastructure treated in terms of technological levels of “power,” as defined, chiefly, in “levels” of energy-flux-density, as expressed by the modal physical chemistry of society’s general, or local practice. This includes the role, since ancient times, of that notion of the general use of “fire” which is presently known as a characteristic behavior unique to mankind among all known living species, “fire” as to be measured by us, here, in units of “relative energy-flux density.”
Next, we have the quality of intellectual cultural level of development of mankind within society considered as an ongoing process. E.g.: “Classical artistic” and “scientific” education of the population generally (as an expression of the intellectual potential which is characteristic of a specific quality of a human population). Putting this in relevant, other terms, this means the general intellectual development of power expressed intellectually by the culture of a nation or comparable society; this points to a general intellectual level of a national or comparable division of culture, as distinguished, as an underlying category of aptitude of a culture, as a notion of potential, as contrasted to the notion of the localized practice specific to some group of individuals within society.
The cross-over from the category of what may be treated as simply “platforms” as such, to the development of a society’s potential and individual or local action, is to be located in the application of the discovery of a universal principle, such as a level of quality of practice of a body of physical science, or of Classical artistic composition and its performance. In short, we have the concept of the universal personality of a general population’s productive potential, as one distinguished by the radiation of an efficiently valid discovery of some relatively higher, truly universal principle of physical science, or, equally, of Classical-artistic mode of composition.
In other words, we must distinguish between the general level of application of energy-flux density, and extraordinary higher, or lower cases within the same domain.
These, and comparable features of the environment on which human life of a certain level of quality depends, are comparable, in their effects, to the climate conditions near the surface of our planet. In the extreme case, these conditions are indispensable choices of feasible approaches both to the maintaining and developing of successively higher orders of organization of human life, within such bounds, this corresponds to the notion of the development of the conditions for not only life as such, but, that the level of productivity achievable is determined in ways aptly illustrated by the available quality of transport of human beings and their productivity.
It is to be emphasized, that among all species, only mankind is known to recreate its willfully adopted, specific behavior in ways which are to be compared, and contrasted to a higher “evolutionary” progress to a superior species of life within the animal kingdoms generally
To introduce this subject, let us refer, here, to the case of celebrated statesman Charlemagne’s revolution in economy and culture, through integrating networks of inland transport of persons and freight through integrated networks of rivers and canals. This work effected under the leadership of Charlemagne, was one of the greatest leaps forward in the productive powers of labor presently known in the human species’ European history. For an example from a later phase of European and North American progress, take the still higher “geopolitical” level of trans-continental rail and related transport. “Nuclear Age,” or “Thermonuclear Age,” typify relevant cases of qualitative leaps to higher, physical, “geopolitical” states of organization of society as a whole.
On Higher Physical Principles
To make clearer the significance of replacing the notion of “infrastructure” by “platforms,” consider, once more, the profound changes in conditions for life-forms on this planet as Earth came into an oxygen-dominated phase, and the later shift to an “ozone” phase. We are challenged, presently, by two broad classifications of such phase-spaces. The one by the natural evolution of the conditions of life, as determined by qualitative shifts in the Solar system’s relationship to our galaxy, and, within those bounds, the qualitative shifts in the conditions for life within the bounds of the Solar system, and, within the Solar system, within the conditions for life-forms on Earth.
Following that, science must focus attention on those general changes in the potentiality of human habitation and development of our planet, which are willfully man-made principles of the environment in which mankind’s habitation and work within human life and production, are brought to relatively higher stages of productivity, as within the newly created “level” of the potential representation by the environment. You should focus, first, on the strategic quality of logistical forms of “environmental factors” of quality of habitat and of facility of movement throughout the inhabited form of the developed environment.
To serve the purposes of this present phase of the discussion here and now, compare societies which are dominated by the strategic power represented by maritime movements, with the later, successive stages of approach, as through Charlemagne’s development of an inland waterways system of combined rivers and connecting canals; then, proceed from that to the role of railways as supplements to riparian-canal systems, thence to trans-continental railways which represent a powerful, “geopolitical” challenge to imperial maritime capabilities.
The latter is the great issue which prompted the British Empire to drown the planet in a permanent state of global warfare from the time of the 1890 British ouster of Germany’s Chancellor Bismarck through the ensuing state of virtually perpetual warfare throughout this planet since that time.
From there, move on to the fact, that since “World War II,” we have had the prospect of a great change in the economy of life on this planet represented by the then-recent mastery of the domain of nuclear fission. We are now, for example, advancing toward general application of the higher cultural-physical phase of thermonuclear fusion, and beyond.
To bring about a relevant, competent understanding of the functional implications of such relatively primary kinds of logistical factors in government of mankind’s habitation of our planet, we must take into account the broader and deeper implications of the concept of the “oligarchical principle” in shaping mankind’s shaping of mankind’s history. I shall classify this aspect of the problem by using the term “monkey business:” the role of cultures in which some people treat other people as, at best, virtually higher apes, rather than the human beings which they actually are.
Thus, there is the related issue of a functionally essential, strategic correlation, between the permission of some people to permit other people to use the higher forms of the principle of “fire,” and the oligarchical model, in which latter case, a ruling class treats the lower classes of persons as virtually apes, denied the effective, willful choice of use of power, as such suppression of the conditions of life of the so-called “lower classes,” is done in the name of “environmentalism” by the British monarchy and kindred nasty types today.
To summarize what I have reported in this present chapter of the report this far, that which I have chosen in order to arrive at an appropriate method of policy-shaping for a national economy, or a portion of technologically and culturally similar nations in the world economy, we must distinguish between the general “foundations” of the economy of a nation or related group of nations (what I have termed “the platforms”), and the way in which that foundation is utilized for the development of the local and regional applications of particular methods and capabilities of production represented by local production, services, and individual public and private enterprises.
To summarize this chapter’s introductory remarks thus far, let us emphasize the level of scientific and cultural development of, on the one side, the foundations of the productive potential of a nation and its regions, and, on the other, the application of scientific and technological potential to planting and harvesting the fruits which depend upon the qualitative level of the general foundations on which the fruitfulness of the production throughout that region depends.
The Notion of Physical Principle
I think it preferable that I interrupt the line of the argument which I have been following within this chapter thus far, to bring into play the notion of a true universal physical principle, a notion which does not exist in the practice of either the crude “materialists,” or either the Aristoteleans, nor the followers of the doctrine of “pleasure-pain” of such as Paolo Sarpi and the notoriously degraded Adam Smith.
So far in this present chapter, I have emphasized the use of fair descriptions, as if to “box in” principled conceptions, rather than address them more directly. Now, I must shift to direct representation.
In reality, there is no “space per se.” There is no separation of “space” and “time,” but, rather, there is an indivisibility of a space-time best fairly identified as “a space-time filled with cosmic radiation,” a system of cosmic radiation which situates the “singularities” which a less sophisticated science prefers to identify as “particles” or the like.
Source: Executive Intelligent Review
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