The Death of London’s Roman Empire - Part 1


In earlier published reports, I had warned, in one way or another, that the Roman empire, which is represented presently by the terminal conditions of the hyper-inflated British empire, has reached the fag end of its tyrannies, in one manner or another. Either the British empire will be shut down soon, or the entire planet were presently at the brink of its collapse into a prolonged, global nightmare, a new “Dark Age” far worse than that which Europe experienced during the 14th Century.

However, it were true, hypothetically, that the United Kingdom itself could survive this threat, and the world at large, too; but, that could occur only if the United Kingdom were induced to abandon what Rosa Luxemburg1, and also the U.S. State Department’s historian Herbert Feis2, had identified correctly as the systemic form of what, in fact, was the British empire as such. I supplement Feis’s studies with the fact that the British empire is still, at this moment, an empire which is, in fact, the current expression of that imperialism which was originally that of the monetarist form of empire launched by the then future Caesar Augustus on the Isle of Capri.

The original Roman empire passed through a succession of crises, sometimes as the Roman Empire by name, sometimes as Byzantium, sometimes as the system of Nietzschean-like “creative destruction” under the old Venetian monetarist system, sometimes as that New Venetian system led by Paolo Sarpi, which became known as the Anglo-Dutch imperialist system, and, now, since the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and the U.S. folly of a long Indo-China war, the presently crashing world empire associated with that so-called “BRIC” based on Lord Jacob Rothschild’s folly known as the presently crashing Inter-Alpha Group.

Unless that hopelessly bankrupt Inter-Alpha Group is mercifully buried, pre-emptively, now, the planet as a whole will be plunged into the doom represented by an end of all successive phases of the existence of the Roman Empire, from its founding on the Isle of Capri, to the present days.

The only efficient way to explain the process at work, is to identify the principle which was presented, from the top down, in the crafting of the great principle on which the Preamble of the original U.S. Federal Constitution is premised to the present day. That is the same principle which is better known today as the Glass-Steagall principle—known as a name, but rarely, competently understood. I explain.


The Roman Empire

There has been, recently, a foolish tradition in the writing of history, and I am referring here, chiefly to the history of the trans-Atlantic world preceding and during the history of the Mediterranean region, up through the present time. It is a tradition of viewing such phenomena as persons, generations, and even entire national cultures, each as discrete objects interacting, as if kinematically, among themselves, rather than, properly, as a continuing process of cosmic-like development, within which singularities appear as products of the continuing interactions within the trans-generational processes which are any real historical process.

Thus, to illustrate the just-stated point, consider the deep roots of all globally extended European history, with regard for its influence on the planet more widely, as this is traceable from the ironies of what are identified as Classical Greek roots, from the Homeric accounts onward.

That said, as a matter of forewarning, what we, today call “Greece” participated in the defeat of the Achaemenid Empire in the end, but, nonetheless, that ancient Greece, self-cursed by the Delphi cult which it had trusted all too much, had already destroyed itself with the folly of the Peloponnesian War, and would never become an empire, as Robert Burns would say, “For all that.”

Macedon’s Prince Philip, whose own folly had set him up to be killed, thus left the throne in the hand of Philip’s son and adversary, Alexander the Great. In the end of all that, Aristotle, the poisoner, triumphed in the death of Alexander. Thus, the attempt at an empire of the maritime power of the Mediterranean would wait until the completion of the negotiations, conducted on the Isle of Capri, between that tyrant Octavian who was the murderer of the Cicero who had been the only real hero for Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar tragedy, between the Octavian actually known as the then future Caesar Augustus, and the priests of the cult of Mithra.

In such a manner, the Roman Empire emerged as an imperial maritime form of world empire centered, originally, on the Mediterranean, which it became, and has remained of late, as the British Empire, since the day William of Orange had invaded, and largely raped the British Isles, all done under the invader’s flag of Paolo Sarpi’s “New Venetian” empire, thus initiating what became the British Empire as the world’s reigning monetarist power, still today.

So, with the decline of Rome, the leading oligarchical families of Rome had fled to the brackish swamps at the north of the Adriatic, to emerge, again, from amid a then-decaying Byzantium, as the reigning imperial monetarist body of the same old Roman Empire from approximately A.D. 1000, until the present day under the direction of the Venetian monetarists’ nominally British monetarist system of imperialism. Venice, in turn, under Paolo Sarpi, transformed itself from the Aristotelean form which had been traditional since the time of the elimination of Plato, into a modified form of “The New Venice,” that of the followers of modern Europe’s Paolo Sarpi, thus defining the process leading from the utterly depraved Venetian puppet which was the English monarchy of Henry VIII, into the late Sixteenth-century degeneracy of Marlowe’s and Shakespeare’s England under the flag of Paolo Sarpi’s doctrine of “Liberalism.”

So, betwixt the invasion of the British Isles by William of Orange’s Sarpian “New Venetian Party,” and today, the last gasp of the old Roman Empire is to be found in the onrushing, self-inflicted doom of the old Roman Empire as the present British Empire of Lord Jacob Rothschild’s hopelessly worthless Inter-Alpha Group, the swindle also known as “The BRIC.”

The outcome of that set of pages of the world history of modern, trans-Atlantic civilization, is that the entire world is, presently, gripped systemically, by the presently continuing conflict between two leading cultures, the monetarist culture of a Europe presently dominated by the tyranny of the British Empire, versus the culture of a credit-system founded in North America over the interval from the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony under the leadership of the Winthrops and Mathers. It was the consequent, later founding of the United States as a constitutional republic, as defined by the Preamble of its Federal Constitution, which was echoed by the miraculous resuscitation of that great republic under such exemplary Presidents as Abraham Lincoln, and in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s crucial role in launching of the Glass-Steagall Law.

Presently, unless that 1933 Glass-Steagall Law were immediately re-established, now, the continued existence of the United States were soon ended in a bloody, hyper-inflationary collapse now nearing its end. There is no action by the U.S. President and U.S. Congress which is “worth a hill of beans,” unless the re-enactment and enforcement of that Glass-Steagall Law occurs as a foremost priority now.

The problem is, that unless this current U.S. President were ejected, as might be done under the relevant provisions of Section 4 of the U.S. 25th Amendment to the Constitution, the continued existence of the United States is not possible by any known, lawful means under its own law. There is, therefore, no other morally tolerable commitment by the institutions of our Federal government, than the two-fold measure of immediately re-enacting the 1933 Glass-Steagall Law, and ending the power of the current President to prevent the prompt and efficient re-installation of that 1933 Glass-Steagall law.

Abandon all silly chatter about worthless hopes for rescue by a general U.S. election approximately two years ahead; under present trends, a new election under our Constitution would probably never occur. Without Glass-Steagall, the United States will soon cease to exist in any presently recognizable form, if it exists in any form at all, even past the relatively few months now immediately ahead. A state of global, hyper-inflationary collapse, is already built into the trans-Atlantic system. The count-down to doom is already on, unless we replace Obama now.

The Global Outlook

Without the type of reform which I prescribe here, the trans-Atlantic economy and its nations are already as much as foredoomed to rot; I present the summary proof of that fact within these pages. Whereas Asia’s problems are not hopeless in themselves, but tend toward a contrary, and, therefore, happier direction, a collapse of several leading economies of Asia, which would occur as an echo of any collapse of the trans-Atlantic system, would carry all of Asia down with it. You can blame Lord Jacob Rothschild’s system, which he installed, circa 1971 as part of the treasonous intention of the London-directed U.S.A.’s abandoning of the Bretton Woods System, an implicitly treasonous, August 1971 change, introduced as an alternative to the U.S.A.’s fixed-exchange-rate system which had been established by President Franklin Roosevelt’s triumph over John Maynard Keynes at Bretton Woods. A presently inevitable, already ongoing collapse of the Inter-Alpha system and its auxiliaries, would presently bring down the entire world economic system, chain-reaction style.

Without immediate re-enactment of President Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall action of 1933, the planet as a whole were soon plunged into the deepest, widest, and longest dark age in historic times.

Thus, the doom of the British stage of the Roman empire lies, now, not in the hands of its present adversaries, but, finally, in no other foe as much as itself.

The ancient, and continuing root of the combination of already existing or immediately threatened, global disaster, lies, essentially, in the concept of monetarism itself, in the delusory obscenity of the belief that money as such represents a rational standard of “economic value.” Hence, for as long as the nations are intoxicated by belief in the folly of monetarists’ systems, the present situation of the nations of the planet as a whole, even any form of belief prevalent as the ruling sentiment of the most influential laws of mankind as a whole, were presently a hopeless case.

Contrary to the monetarists, all of whom have now failed as would-be professionals, I am a physical economist in the same tradition as the authors of our U.S. Republic and the great principle set forth in the Preamble of our Federal Constitution to which all representatives of our Federal government have sworn a solemn oath of allegiance, whether they either meant what they have said, or whether they had, or had not known the actual significance of what they had merely said.3

Therefore, I summarize the truthful scientific principle of economy in those terms of historical and physical-scientific reference, here, as follows.

I. What Is the British Empire?

The British empire, which has never been understood by more than a handful of modern economists, such as Rosa Luxemburg and the U.S. State Department historian and scholar Herbert Feis, has now entered what will soon turn out to have become the last gasp of its existence, that in one way or another. Either the British empire, a maritime empire, is soon wiped from the map, or, in the alternative, the effort to maintain the existence of that inherently failed empire will send the entirety of the planet to Hell for a long time to come.

The effect of the resumed influence of the British empire over the policies of the United States, has progressively ruined us since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, especially since the successful assassination of a President John F. Kennedy which broke President Kennedy’s and General Douglas MacArthur’s resistance to entering the British trap for the United States which the British empire had crafted in Indo-China. The Kennedy assassination, thus, unleashed ten years of physical and moral ruin of the institutions and people of the United States from which our republic has not yet returned, still today.

Such a maritime form of empire as that which the British empire exerts over Europe today, is the expression of an international dictatorship imposed upon a collection of otherwise, ostensibly separate nations, exactly as the “Post-Westphalian” policy of the present, so-called “Post-Westphalian,” “Euro” system prescribes today. The quality of the Roman empire and its relevant sequels, as expressed by the British empire today, has two most essential characteristics, as follows.

The first characteristic of that empire, is that of an imperial “personality” with the power to decree a body of international law, presently termed “governance,” imposed upon all subject “kingdoms.” It is a power which lies in the personal authority of the Emperor, such as, nominally the British monarchy, as the body which functions as the de jure person of the emperor to equivalent effect. Such is the presently attempted form of the British empire’s tyranny against the nations of continental Europe, since the imposition of the “Euro” system of monetarist imperialism by the concerted action against Germany by Britain’s Margaret Thatcher, France’s President François Mitterrand, and U.S. President George H.W. Bush, in 1990 and beyond. Similarly, earlier, the intended design of Adolf Hitler’s imperial form of Reich, had been a system of a form inhering in the British intention for the Euro system today. Such was the kindred import of the implicitly treasonous “signing statements” uttered against the Federal Constitution of the United States itself, under U.S. Presidents George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama.

Second, all empires of that sort, are contained within a monetarist system which operates, through international institutions, as an imperial authority, as the design of the Euro system, essentially by the British crown, prescribes this condition for the “governance” of its victims, its subjects, presently.

Such systems are typified by examples such as the original Roman Empire, by Byzantium, by the extended Norman system under the direction of Venetian monetarism, by Sarpi’s pre-shaping of the so-called “Liberalism” of the British empire, and by the expanded British Empire which dominates, and loots the Euro system presently.

For deeper insight into the Europe-based forms of such imperial tyrannies, one must examine the root of this system in the role of the Delphi cult in its time. The affirmation of “the oligarchical principle” by agreement between Macedon’s King Philip and the Achaemenid empire, illustrates the point. Aristotle, like, later, that high priest of Delphi from the Roman empire’s reign, Plutarch, remains a notable, ancient exponent of that oligarchical system of evil presently.

It is the currently, frankly expressed intention of the British empire, to bring about the early destruction of our United States. That treasonous effort is being done by the relevant “Wall Street” financier interests, through aid of the complicity of the present, increasingly Hitler-like health-care and related policies of the current U.S. Obama administration. That administration is working to make the way clear for an unchallenged world-empire whose intended center would be the British power in the City of London’s reign over the former continental nations of Europe. Hence, the implicitly treasonous role of the British puppet-President of the United States, Barack Obama, in clearing the way for an imperial system of “world government” under a so-called “post-Westphalian system,” as a system under which national sovereignties are outlawed by the replacement of government (i.e., premised on the “consent of the governed”) by a “post-Westphalian” imperialism’s system of “governance.”

As under the system of the Delphi maritime cult and of the Roman Empire, alike, the essence of the empire is its “supra-national” system of rule under a supra-national, monetarist system such as that established by the U.S. Nixon Administration’s repeal of the fixed-exchange rate: an international money-system which rules, as an oligarchical social system, among and over nations, and which represents a reign maintained through the promotion of an imperial form of monetarist authority located among nations, rather than within any among them. Such is the intrinsically imperialistic, intrinsically treasonous character of what is called “governance.”

In general, since the establishment of the Roman Empire, with relatively rarer, and relatively short-term exceptions, the European system has been a collection of “kingdoms” under the imperial rule of a trans-national, monetarist system. That has been the issue of the essential distinction of the constitutional system of the U.S.A. from the long trend in European systems thus far.

The U.S. Constitution’s Great Principle

The great struggle of all humanity presently, is a struggle of nation-states to secure their freedom from the looting practices of a presently dying world system, that of the British monetarist empire in its present form. Since that empire is systemically a monetarist system, the comprehension of the great existential struggle for a return to a system of freedom, depends upon the enforcement of a global, fixed-exchange-rate system modeled on the great fundamental principle of constitutional law expressed as the Preamble of the U.S.A. Federal Constitution.

From the outset of the preparation and installation of that Federal Constitution based on that great principle of its Preamble, our republic has been premised on the same notion of a credit-system, rather than a monetarist system, a credit-system which was pioneered under the sovereignty assured by the original Royal Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the colony’s Pine Tree Shilling-based credit-system.

Under that tradition, and the Constitution created to establish that principle as a sovereign nation-state system, our United States had been the only durable expression of a truly sovereign nation-state within a world over which the Roman empire in its British incarnation had reigned, with few and brief exceptions, since the devastation wrought by the French Revolution and its recurring victimization by the British Empire which had been implicitly established in the February 1763 Peace of Paris.

All major warfare on this planet since that 1763 Peace of Paris, has been the expression of an imperial practice of attempted dictatorial management of this entire planet through monetarist practices aided by recurring long wars, including the perpetually recurring state of such ruinously long, intentionally geopolitical wars on this planet as those launched by the British empire through the effects of the British monarchy’s ouster of Germany’s Chancellor Bismarck, in 1890, as, also, recently, under the same British Prime Minister Tony Blair who has revived the criminal health-care policies of the Adolf Hitler regime in the United Kingdom and, now, under the British-appointed puppet-President of our United States, Barack Obama, presently.

To regain the constitutional order prescribed in the Federal Constitution of our republic, we must first regain an insight into those great principles of our republic which have suffered infraction against our constitutional principle through acts expressing an imperialist enemy’s hatred of our republic, an enemy who has been determined to destroy the great principle of our republic ever since the time of the 1763 Peace of Paris. The great issue which has been the recurring source of mortal struggles between our patriots and the British monetarist system, as since the time of that 1763 Peace of Paris, has been our republic’s recurring return to the affirmation of the principle of a credit-system, rather than that imperialist system of monetarism, as the monetarist system is expressed for our United States by the implicitly treasonous character of the once Hitler-loving Wall Street of Brown Brothers Harriman, which was the type of a usurious predator which makes slaves of all those who become its victims.

Only the affirmation of the principle of a credit-system, rather than a monetarist system, as the original Glass-Steagall Law expresses that U.S. Constitutional principle, could now prevent the entirety of this planet from an early plunge into a global Hell from which civilization would not recover for many generations to come. To this end, the institutions and citizens of our United States must clear the cobwebs of the rabid, pleasure-pain-driven irrationalism of the Paolo Sarpi-Adam Smith liberalism from their minds, to see, and obey that true principle of the credit system which is inherent in the founding of our republic and its Federal Constitution.

II. The Science of Physical Economy

The most essential of the preconditions for the political freedom which our Federal Constitution was intended to secure for us and our posterity, is the commitment to an increase in the net physical powers of productivity of the means of existence of a growing population of our republic, and, hopefully, a contribution of a kindred quality for other nations as well. On this account, there can be no other definition of wealth than the net increase of the physical wealth produced per capita and per square kilometer of territory of our nation, and, also, our assistance to that same quality of end for the other nations with which our republic must cooperate, that done for common ends, on behalf of the general welfare of humanity as a whole.

Source: Executive Intelligent Review