IFAD President and Minister of State for DfID to discuss importance of rural investments in the fight against global poverty at Warwick in London


Lord Bates, the newly appointed Minister of State for the Department for International Development (DfID) and Dr Kanayo F. Nwanze, the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), will give keynote speeches this month, at an event hosted by the University of Warwick in its new London office.

Taking place on December 8, it will feature IFAD’s Rural Development Report 2016, focussing on the importance of investment in rural communities as part of the international development agenda - and will feature a panel of international development experts.

IFAD’s report highlights the centrality of rural and agricultural development to overall economic growth, and concludes that targeted policies focused on rural people will eliminate poverty in developing countries.

The event is part of a wider collaboration between IFAD and the University of Warwick’s Policy Lab – a partnership which creates opportunities for research student placements, and closer working between international development academics and practitioners. The collaboration will be of mutual benefit and should result in new and exciting outcomes.

International development is one of Warwick’s Global Research Priorities. This year the University also launched a new Global Sustainable Development Degree which is proving to be extremely popular.

The Rural Development Report is IFAD’s flagship publication. It brings together leading thinkers and presents analyses of rural development in over 60 countries. Set in the context of a rapidly changing world with growing demand for food, increased migration to cities and the impact of climate change and environmental degradation, the report provides insight into regional and country-specific challenges and historical legacies and how factors like employment, youth populations, rights to land, access to finance, gender equality and social protection influence successful interventions.

“Rural transformation is not automatic. It is a choice,” said Dr Nwanze prior to the London event. “The choices made by governments and development practitioners have an enormous impact on the lives of people and nations, which is why we’re so pleased to present and discuss its findings with colleagues at the University of Warwick.”

Dr Kayano F. Nwanze and the University of Warwick foster strong ties: he became a Warwick Honorary Graduate in January 2015, and has spoken at the University on multiple occasions.

Source:International Fund for Agricultural Development