Promoting cultural co-operation between cities to re-energise democracy


The PACE Standing Committee, meeting in Tallinn on May 27, called on member states to foster city-to-city co-operation in the field of culture, so as to re-energise democracy, increase the stability of regions and restore confidence in Europe. The parliamentarians also pointed out that these initiatives included economic activities, as the more direct trading and financial dealings urban centres have, the more likely it is that both culture and the quality of life will improve.

In adopting a resolution based on the report by Alexander [The Earl of] Dundee (United Kingdom, EC), the Standing Committee recommends that governments and institutions provide cities with guidance on good practices, without interfering and by ensuring that budget restrictions do not impede their action.

The adopted text also draws attention to the good practices already put in place and successful prescriptions within the Council of Europe Intercultural Cities Programme, of which European cities and local authorities can take advantage, as well as to the Parliamentary Assembly Europe Prize.

Finally, the Assembly invites the EU, in partnership with the Council of Europe and UNESCO and in co-operation with European and international city networks and associations, to promote city-to-city co-operation in the field of culture and democracy.

Source: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe