Young people contribute to discussion of EU youth policy


More than 100 young people from all over Europe have come together in Amsterdam to talk about European youth policy during the EU Youth Conference. The theme of the conference is ‘Enabling all young people to engage in a diverse, connected and inclusive Europe’. There is a special focus on young people who face more challenges than their peers, for instance due to their background or because they have mental health problems.


The goal of the conference is to formulate ‘guiding questions’ in a variety of areas. All participants will then take these questions back to their own countries to find out how their peers at home think about these issues. They will present the results in six months during the Slovakian EU Presidency.

The conference will conclude on 7 April with a debate on radicalisation, which will be attended by State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport Martin van Rijn and European Commissioner Tibor Navracsics. The youth conference is being organised in the context of the Netherlands EU Presidency by the National Youth Council and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, with support from the European Commission.

Source: Netherlands EU Presidency