EP this week: circular economy, migration, terrorism


Measures to create a sustainable economy and a proposal for a complaints procedure at the Frontex border agency are to be discussed during the one-day plenary session this week. In addition parliamentary committees deal with plans for the exchange of passenger name data to fight terrorism and draft laws to tackle the refugee crisis.

MEPs have another busy week ahead of them

Plenary session

MEPs discuss during the plenary session on Wednesday draft legislation on the circular economy, where products are designed in order to facilitate reuse. Frans Timmermans and Jyrki Katainen, vice-presidents of the European Commission, present their plans on waste and a sustainable economy.

On the same day members vote on a request that the Frontex border agency sets up a complaints mechanism to deal with alleged breaches of fundamental rights.


The civil liberties committee discusses on Tuesday the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks and the implementation of the EU counter-terrorism strategy with Gilles de Kerchove, the EU’s counter-terrorism coordinator.

MEPs negotiating EU-wide data protection rules and the Passenger Name Record (EU PNR) proposal on the use of air passengers' data to fight terrorism with the Council brief on Monday the civil liberties committee on the latest developments. The aim is to reach a deal by the end of 2015.

The civil liberties committee also votes on Monday on an informal deal to boost Europol's ability to respond to threats, while improving scrutiny of its work.


The civil liberties committee discusses Tuesday a permanent crisis relocation mechanism among member states and an EU common list of safe countries of origin with the Commission, Council, the European Asylum Support Office and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights.


EP President Martin Schulz and the leaders of the political groups visit The Hague on Thursday to discuss the priorities of the Dutch Council Presidency starting on 1 January 2016 with the Dutch government.

Climate change conference COP21 started in Paris on November 29. A delegation of 15 MEPs will attend on 8-12 December to support the European Commission's negotiations by lobbying delegations from all around the world.

Source: European Parliament