Libya: UN mission condemns attack on oilfield, calls for immediate ceasefire


The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has strongly condemned the attack carried out by armed groups operating under the Alshuruq Operation in the ‘oil crescent’ area, causing many deaths and undermining the recent efforts of Libyan leaders to reach a peace pact.

Participants at the Libya dialogue, Palais des Nations, Geneva, on 27 January 2015.

“The attack constitutes a major break in the public pledges made by the main commanders to refrain from actions that could harm the political process at a time when the Libyan parties are working intensively to build bridges of cooperation,” said an UNSMIL statement on February 4.

Media reports suggest that Tuesday’s attack on a central Libyan oil field left four people dead.

“This attack also undermines efforts to reach a political solution and endangers the oil resources that belong to the Libyan people,” the Mission continued, reminding all armed groups that the majority of Libyans want peace and stability restored to their country.

Armed groups must act in good faith in accordance with their earlier commitment to a ceasefire and to disengage their forces as proof of their commitment to the political process, the Mission said.

“Parties should not take advantage of the ceasefire to mass forces or launch attacks,” it emphasized, also stressing that all sides must exercise maximum restraint and refrain from taking any action that could further escalate the situation.

Over the past few weeks, Libyan stakeholders had gathered in Geneva under the auspices of the UN to commence a Libyan-Libyan political dialogue. To that end, the Mission reminded all parties to the conflict that they need to be aware that the “eyes of the world are on them.”

Source: United Nations