UNICEF to provide cash assistance to displaced Iraqis


In response to the continuing humanitarian crisis in Iraq, UNICEF and the Governorate of Dahuk have signed a USD $5 million dollar agreement supporting one-time direct cash assistance to vulnerable, displaced families in the Governorate.

“I spoke to the displaced people in Bajet Kandala, Zakho, and Khanke,” said Dr. Marzio Babille, UNICEF Iraq Representative. “I witnessed families crossing the bridge at Peshkabour. While we are massively scaling up outreach activities, cash in hand will immediately empower families to provide their children with basic necessities when market access exists.”

The cash assistance initiative will see UNICEF contribute USD $5 million to the joint effort, which the Governorate will then distribute to displaced families as unconditional one-time grants in order to provide them with the means to purchase basic goods on the local market. These cash transfers will enable families to establish their own priorities and also directly contribute to host community economies.

This agreement comes as a complement to UNICEF’s mass humanitarian, supply-driven operation of relief and assistance. Since 2nd August, UNICEF has dispatched 89 truckloads, or more than 60 metric tons, of humanitarian aid including safe drinking water for 162,000 displaced people, supplementary food (such as high protein biscuits) for 92,000 people, and emergency health kits serving 100,000 people, among other items. In the next five days, UNICEF will receive nearly 200 metric tons of additional relief supplies via airlift and by sea.

Source: United Nations International Children Emergency's Fund