Greeks demonstrate over TV slapping


Thousands of people have demonstrated in the Greek capital to protest against a member of the far-right Golden Dawn party.


A warrant has been issued in Athens for the arrest of Ilias Kasidiaris, who slapped a female left-wing opponent on the face during a live television debate.

The slap immediately tarnished the image of the Golden Dawn party, which has a strong anti-immigrant base.

Ilias Kasidiaris first hurled a glass of water at one female politician on a television panel show before getting up from his seat to slap another, Communist party member Liana Kanelli, in the face.

An arrest order has been issued for Kasidiaris who went missing following the TV show.

If not apprehended quickly, he could still run in the next election.

Greece is set to go the polls again on June 17th.

Source: Europe News.Net