Pakistan court acquits men over involvement in Times Square bombing


Four men have been acquitted in a Pakistani court after being accused of assisting in the failed attempt to explode a truck bomb in New York's Times Square.


The four were found not guilty on the charge of helping Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad carry out a terror attack.

Tension between Pakistan and the United States is likely to be heightened by the court decision, which was made in secret in the Rawalpindi court.

The result of the case was only released by lawyers and the families of the accused men.

The four were arrested in the wake of Faisal Shahzad's May 2010 attack.

Shahzad has already pleaded guilty in a US court and has admitted to having ties with the Taliban in Pakistan.

He was sentenced to life in prison in the US following his trial which was brought on after the attack, in which a bomb he placed in a vehicle produced only smoke.

During his trial the middle-class Pakistani man said he had been motivated to carry out the attack because US drone strikes had been targeting Pakistan territory.

Source: Pakistan News.Net