Extradition request dies with Nazi war criminal


A Nazi war criminal, Klaas Carel Faber, has died in Germany.


Faber, who had been living in the southern German town of Ingolstadt, was 90.

Faber was an SS unit soldier during World War II had been on the Simon Wiesenthal Centre list of most-wanted Nazi criminals.

He had already been sentenced in 1947 for killing 22 Jews at the Westerbork transit camp.

When his term was later commuted to life, Faber escaped from the prison.

Originally from the western Dutch town of Haarlem, he was given German citizenship in 1952 and lived as a free man even though there were many attempts to extradite him.

Germany refused his extradition on the grounds that he was a German citizen.

Faber had served in an SS unit known as Kommando Feldmeijer which was later found to have been complicit in the deaths of resistant Dutch civilians.

Faber's brother, Pieter, was executed for war crimes in 1948.

Source: Europe News.Net