Obama has an advantage over opponents through web presence created in past


U.S. President Barack Obama has an added advantage on the web during his re-election campaign as opposed to his opponents.

Obama had years to establish a digital presence, meaning he has got a big jump on his opponents in terms of owning a web reputation.

The web presence that Obama established then, is still in place, The Washington Post reports.e has massively built on his Twitter, Facebook and YouTube audience since 2007-08.

The Boston Globe reported in 2009 that the Obama campaign had 3.4 million Facebook followers.

The Obama campaign proved to turn its digital following into fund raising and organizing success in 2008.

The president has about eight times more followers today. Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, joined in 2009 and now has 451,000 followers.

BuzzFeed has reported that Romney is increasingly using Twitter as a core-messaging tool.

The full Conductor study has revealed that Romney's digital presence has given him a big advantage over contenders Rick Santorum and other challengers in the GOP presidential primary race.

However, Romney should now focus on building up his online audience to catch up with Obama in getting votes.

Source: United States News.Net