Obama to seek nuke arms reductions with Russia


US President Barack Obama has vowed to pursue further strategic nuclear arms reductions with Russia, saying that America has more warheads than required.

Speaking ahead of a global nuclear security summit in Seoul, Obama held out the prospect of new cuts in the US nuclear arsenal as he sought to rally world leaders for additional concrete steps against the threat of nuclear terrorism.

"We can already say with confidence that we have more nuclear weapons than we need," The Telegraph quoted Obama, as saying.

According to the report, Obama laid out his latest plans against the backdrop of continued nuclear defiance from North Korea and Iran.

Obama set expectations high in a 2009 speech in Prague when he declared it was time to seek "a world without nuclear weapons".

Today, Obama made clear that he remained committed to that notion and insisted that "those who deride our vision, who say that ours is an impossible goal that will be forever out of reach", were wrong.

"I firmly believe that we can ensure the security of the United States and our allies, maintain a strong deterrent against any threat, and still pursue further reductions in our nuclear arsenal," the paper quoted Obama, as saying.

Obama also called on North Korea, which plans a rocket launch next month, to curb its nuclear ambitions or else face further international isolation.

"And know this - there will be no more rewards for provocations. Those days are over. This is the choice before you," he said, directing his comments at North Korea's leadership.

Source:North America News.Net