Pop Culture Happy Hour: Why We Keep Our Friends In A Freezer In The Garage


On this week's Pop Culture Happy Hour, we start off with another round of People We're Pulling For, from a favorite voice actor to a newly cast superhero and more. Then it's time to talk about our technological blind spots — the things we just can't get into or figure out, no matter how hard we try. (It's hard to explain how dishwashers come up, but they do.) This leads to a broader discussion of Facebook, socializing, misanthropy, and "cold storage" for people. (It's not as creepy as it sounds.) (Well, it kind of is.)


Then it's time for a game of Celebrity Twitter Trivia, in which I try to stump the fellas with various questions about famous tweets and tweeters, with varying degrees of success. And finally, as always, we look at what's making us happy this week.

As always, you can follow us on Twitter: follow me, Stephen, Trey, Glen and Mike, and we'll do our best to keep you entertained. You can also find us on Facebook, where we take topic suggestions, answer questions, and lots more.

Source: NPR