The First International Day of Conscience


April 5, 2020 will mark the first International Day of Conscience, which is a United Nations day. This day serves to remind people to self-reflect, follow their conscience, and do the right things. Everyone is encouraged to observe the day.
The Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) will have a one-hour recorded program available on a designated website for this UN day and on social media (#International ConscienceDay on FB, IG, Twitter, and YouTube) on April 5, 2020, featuring the ceremony of ringing the Bell of World Peace and Love, speeches, conscience-themed songs and videos, and more.
Global citizens are encouraged to observe the day by sending to one another messages about International Day of Conscience, taking a moment of peace to self-reflect, doing good deeds, and endorsing the Declaration of International Day of Conscience on People are cordially invited to share their articles or videos about conscience on or on FB, IG, or Twitter (#InternationalConscienceDay). With the rapid spread of the coronavirus, conscience is especially important. The kind sharing of positive messages and energy from each individual will contribute greatly to global stability and peace. The sustainable future of humanity hinges upon our conscience-driven actions at the present moment. Let’s treat our environment and one another with kindness and overcome the critical threats together.


With the conviction that we can change the world with conscience, each month FOWPAL has been engaged in events to promote the day since the United Nations’ adoption of this day on July 25, 2019. Additionally, on February 5, 2019, FOWPAL launched a global endorsement campaign for the Declaration of International Day of Conscience at the United Nations in New York. To date, the declaration has been translated into 41 languages and endorsed by people in 185 nations.

To learn more about the International Day of Conscience and FOWPAL, please visit and FOWPAL's website at

Below is the link to an introduction video to the International Day of Conscience:

Below is the link to a flyer about this UN day and FOWPAL:

Source: Federation of World Peace and Love