Spreading Messages of Conscience, Love, and Peace to Oceania - Nauru, the 109th Nation of Which a Representative Has Rung the Bell
For the First Time the Bell of World Peace and Love Rings in Nauru
On July 16, 2019, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, the President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), led the FOWPAL delegates to visit Nauru, carrying with them the Bell of World Peace and Love, bringing blessings to Nauruans. Nauru, formerly known as Pleasant Island, is the 97th country that FOWPAL has visited to conduct cultural exchanges.
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), third from right, leads the FOWPAL delegation to visit the Office of the President of Nauru and is received by Mr. Peter Jacob, Chief of Staff of the presidential office, third from left, on behalf of his president H.E. Mr. Baron Divavesi Waqa, on July 16, 2019, in the Yaren District, Nauru.
The FOWPAL delegation visited the presidential office and was received by Mr. Peter Jacob, Chief of Staff of the Office of the President of Nauru, on behalf of his president H.E. Mr. Baron Divavesi Waqa. While the president and the acting president were not available, Mr. Jacob was in charge of the office. The FOWPAL delegation and Mr. Jacob exchanged ideas on peace, and the delegation invited Mr. Jacob to ring the Bell of World Peace and Love. Mr. Jacob rang the Bell and wished for “good health, peace and prosperity for the world.” Mr. Jacob is the 355th bell ringer. Ringing the Bell symbolizes a wish to take action for love and peace for the bell-ringer, the world, and future generations. To date, 355 heads of state and visionary leaders from 109 nations have rung the bell and made their wishes. Nauru is the 109th nation of which a representative has rung the Bell of World Peace and Love. Many people were moved as the sound of the Bell reverberated throughout the island for the first time. After ringing the Bell, Mr. Jacob said that "We need peace, more peace. And peace leads to happiness, and happiness leads to prosperity. And these are all important because when you have a happy country you have happy people and a prosperous nation."
Mr. Peter Jacob, Chief of Staff of the Office of the President of Nauru, rings the Bell of World Peace and Love and makes a wish for peace for Nauru and the world, on July 16, 2019, in the Yaren District, Nauru.
On behalf of the people of Nauru, Mr. Jacob endorsed the Declaration of International Day of Conscience. On behalf of his president H.E. Mr. Baron Divavesi Waqa, Mr. Jacob was presented with a special clock by Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze. The face of the clock bears a compass of conscience, symbolizing that all are encouraged to follow the guidance of their conscience at all times, spread love, and co-exist peacefully with one another. Before leaving the presidential office, the FOWPAL delegation sang the “Love and Peace Song” to convey its best wishes to the Chief of Staff, President Waqa, and the people of Nauru.
Mr. Peter Jacob, Chief of Staff of the Office of the President of Nauru (left), is presented with a special clock by Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), on July 16, 2019, in the Yaren District, Nauru. The face of the clock bears a compass of conscience, symbolizing that all are encouraged to follow the guidance of their conscience at all times and spread love to make the world a better place.
FOWPAL is an international peace organization. It has been promoting the idea of love and peace, fostering exchange of ideas among nations, and consolidating consensuses from leaders through different means, such as organizing summits of love and peace, hosting ceremonies of ringing the Bell of World Peace and Love, and conducting cultural exchanges. This April, FOWPAL co-hosted the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations in Vienna. Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of FOWPAL, proclaimed April 5 as the International Day of Conscience. The proclamation has received warm responses from around the world. So far, people from 148 nations have endorsed the declaration. It is stated in the declaration, “An excellent culture is the foundation of good education, which is essential for sustainable economic development. Countries are encouraged to promote a culture of conscience and incorporate the best aspects of other cultures and education systems to improve national economies.”
On behalf of the people of Nauru, Mr. Peter Jacob, Chief of Staff of the Office of the President of Nauru (first row, left) endorses the Declaration of International Day of Conscience, on July 16, 2019, in the Yaren District, Nauru.
Source: Federation of World Peace and Love
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