Activating the energy in children’s hearts: “Whirlwinds of conscience” sweep across Indian campuses


Today’s children are the future leaders of their respective nations. Providing children with a healthy living environment and a good education is an important goal because it is essential to their future development. Recently, the 18th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World was held in Lucknow, India, with a focus on the tumultuous world situation and education for the next generation. The cultural goodwill delegation of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) traveled to India to attend the event. In addition to discussing various issues, sharing its promotion of love and peace, and conducting cultural exchanges, the FOWPAL delegation visited one City Montessori School (CMS) campus after another on the morning of Nov. 13, bringing positive whirlwinds of the movement of An Era of Conscience to the campuses.

The FOWPAL delegates visit one City Montessori School (CMS) campus after another, bringing positive whirlwinds of the movement of An Era of Conscience to the campuses.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, led the FOWPAL delegates to visit the CMS campuses, and they were passionately welcomed by approximately 2,500 teachers and students. Dr. Hong gave a speech and encouraged the CMS students, “You are the future! Remember that you are important! With your pure heart, you can change yourselves and change the world.” As people are faced with many global issues today, Dr. Hong reminded the students, “As you attempt to solve each problem, you may stumble upon obstacles and it may upset you. When this happens, take some time to quiet down, and listen to the calling from your heart. It will guide you to do the right thing, and provide you with endless energy to continue your journey.” He also stressed that the energy of the heart is boundless and encouraged everyone to keep a kind heart and do the right things.

The students are led by the FOWPAL volunteers to quiet down their hearts for one minute, conveying their best wishes to the Earth and praying for world peace.

The international volunteers of FOWPAL went on stage and shared simple greetings like “Good morning! Hi!” in Mandarin with all the CMS students. The students smiled happily because they were very excited to learn the language for the first time. The volunteers then presented energetic performances titled “Happiness is Everywhere” and “Power of Love,” filling the entire room with exhilarating energy! A youth volunteer, Jay-wen Cheng, shared his story and how he was inspired by Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze to do good deeds. Cheng indicated, “In our daily lives and between nations there may be critical points where conflicts are about to break out. Dr. Hong told me that we have to learn to love and respect others and follow our conscience to prevent such conflicts. I think the preventive measures are necessary among us, among countries, and among peoples.”

a4603內湖_良心旋風席捲印度中小學P3_0.jpgYoung volunteers of FOWPAL interact passionately with the CMS students.

The students were led by the FOWPAL volunteers to quiet down their hearts for one minute, conveying their best wishes to the Earth and praying for world peace. They also watched a video of the highlights of the 2017 Summer Universiade and FOWPAL’s promotion of love and peace over the past ten plus years. The students and teachers felt amazed and inspired. Dr. Hong presented a certificate and gifts to the school in appreciation of the cultural exchange. The CMS students and teachers expressed their appreciation for the important message and the happy energy brought by the FOWPAL delegation.

FOWPAL volunteers’ energetic performances titled “Happiness is Everywhere” and “Power of Love” fill the entire room with exhilarating energy!

“For me, conscience is love and hope!’ said one of the many CMS students who were touched and encouraged, “I love the idea of peace and love because it can bring happiness to real life.” Another student felt emotional and said, “Today, most of the students here can understand the strong message: To spread peace and unity. We should work together to spread peace and unity. We should do that!”

Modern schools have the responsibility to teach students to contribute to society, which helps students learn to take responsibility as they grow up. CMS has been recognized by the Guinness World Records as the largest school in the world, with over 53,000 students. It is the first school to be awarded the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education. Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, the co-founder of CMS, places great emphasis on education. He has hosted global conferences to help students learn about international affairs and voice for their future. Last year, Dr. Hong spoke about the philosophy of yin and yang and the balance of tai ji during an interview by an Indian media group. He said that FOWPAL and CMS are both promoting peace, but in different ways. Dr. Hong also mentioned that the two organizations have much in common, in terms of education. Dr. Hong said that the issue about children is very important because they will grow up and have the chance to become presidents or judges in the future and affect the world. Therefore, he stressed that education is the key to the future as a good education creates a brilliant culture and prosperity and is really important to human beings.

Source: Federation of World Peace and Love