Human Rights

High Level Workshop on Regional Improvements to Legal Environment Impacting Women Concludes with Strong Commitment to Gender Equality

A high level regional workshop on the World Bank Group's Women, Business and the Law project which began on February 27 here in Togo, concluded with renewed commitment to gender parity. Eleven African economies participated in this event: Benin,...

Analysis: Evacuation dilemma in the Central African Republic

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Zannah Bassar: "I want to go somewhere else."

Chairman in Office urges participating States to refrain from unilateral actions and to engage in a meaningful dialogue

OSCE Chairperson in Office and Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter has expressed his deep concerns about the volatile and further aggravated situation regarding Crimea. He welcomed the UN Security Council members’ commitment to Ukrainian unity,...

Tackling intolerance and discrimination in Europe with a special focus on Christianity

A hearing on ‘Tackling intolerance and discrimination in Europe with a special focus on Christianity’ will be one of the highlights of the meeting of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (...

Posting of workers: European Parliament and Council negotiators strike a deal

Workers posted abroad temporarily to provide services would be better protected by a draft law informally agreed upon by European Parliament and Council negotiators on Thursday.

African migrants in Israel face "voluntary" return or detention

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African asylum seekers demonstrated outside Israel's parliament in December 2013 to protest...

Mediation ‘still possible’ between communities in Central African Republic – UN official

Ten-year-old Prophète (left) and his friend Ardi, 7, live on the streets in PK5, one of the...

High Level Workshop on Regional Improvements to Legal Environment Impacting Women Concludes with Strong Commitment to Gender Equality

A high level regional workshop on the World Bank Group's Women, Business and the Law project concluded with renewed commitment to gender parity. Eleven African economies participated in this event: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, the Republic of Congo,...

Equal Pay Day: Gender Pay Gap stagnates at 16.4% across Europe


Analysis: Evacuation dilemma in the Central African Republic
