
Court Calls Third Strike On Industry Challenges To Decision To End Failed Otter Translocation And "No Otter Zone"

On March 1, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld two District Court decisions to end a failed government program known as the “No Otter Zone.” The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had determined the program would harm the California sea otter by...

EFSA confirms pesticides danger to bees


EPA & Trident Settle Sand Point, Wrangell Fish Waste Violations

Trident Seafoods Corporation, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Environmental Protection Agency have reached an agreement to resolve violations of the Clean Water Act for discharges of fish waste at two seafood processing facilities in Sand...

Bees and beekeepers: MEPs set out EU-wide long-term survival strategy

MEPs urge the EU and its member states to invest more in protecting bee health, fighting honey adulteration and supporting beekeepers.