
Belarus Builds Forest Resilience to Climate Change with World Bank Support

Modern forest management, reforestation and new forest areas will help the Belarusian forest sector adapt to storms, climate change and pests, thanks to the EUR 12 million Additional Financing for the Belarus Forestry Development Project (FDP), on...

Uranium Mining Industry Seeks Supreme Court Review To Overturn Mining Ban That Protects Grand Canyon Region

Flagstaff, AZ — Mining industry trade groups asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Interior Department’s 20-year ban on new uranium mining claims on 1 million acres of public land adjacent to the Grand Canyon, on March 12th. The requests from the...

U.S. EPA settlements in California and Arizona protect residents from lead paint health hazards

On March 12, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced six lead paint enforcement actions—for a combined total of $287,000 in settlements—completed over the past year (January 2017-January 2018) in California and Arizona. These companies...

Kinder Morgan Altamont and Colorado Interstate Gas resolve Clean Air Act risk management violations at Utah and Wyoming gas processing facilities

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on March 9, announced a Clean Air Act settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice in which Kinder Morgan Altamont and Colorado Interstate Gas have agreed to pay a $179,099 penalty and improve the...