
Blackfeet Tribal Council Faces Whether to Sacrifice the Beauty & Health of their Montana Lands for Moneys of EnergyCompanies Wishing to Hydraulically Fracture Their Land

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Fracking--Hydraulic Fracturing--kills the land...

Clean Air Advocates Challenge Weak Air Pollution Requirements for Minnesota’s National Parks and Wilderness Areas

Visibility impairment from air pollution at Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota. (EPA)...

EPA Awards Over $49,000 to the LSU AgCenter to Document Expansion of the Invasive Mexican Rice Borer

The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, known as the LSU AgCenter, $49,956 to develop an electronic reporting and mapping system to document the expansion of the invasive Mexican rice borer...

Bread for the World Applauds Malnutrition Focus at the Olympics Global Hunger Event

On the final day of the Olympics, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Brazilian Vice President...