Blackfeet Tribal Council Faces Whether to Sacrifice the Beauty & Health of their Montana Lands for Moneys of EnergyCompanies Wishing to Hydraulically Fracture Their Land

The Blackfeet Tribal Council can stop poisonous fracking to their lands. Pauline Matt is conducting a peaceful protest of Blackfeet Reservation Lands being destroyed by Hydraulic Fracturing this August 5-12. Lands could easily be saved and kept healthy if the Tribal Council prohibits fracking from occurring, All other sites of fracking have poisoned land, crops, waters, livestock and reduced Real Estate values to nothing. Join Dr. Carol Francis Talk Radio Show and help Blackfeet people protect their lands and millions who depend on their underground waters.


Fracking--Hydraulic Fracturing--kills the land, animals, and plants by poisoning waters and lands. Faucet water in local and distant homes ignite on fire due to the toxic elements Fracking uses, notes Pauline Matt.

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Every country currently faces chosing being paid by energy companies to fracture or refusing to sacrifice human health and environmental safety. Of course, when land and water is dangerous, real estate prices plummet—no one can sell a house in these areas, continues Pauline Matt.

Yet money too often buys blindness. Money buys short sighted cooperation. Can money buy the Blackfeet Tribal Council in Montana and Alberta, Canada, too? Will Blackfoot Tribal members allow “energy companies” to steal the life out of the land and water and turn their communities into cancer-causing, poisoned water and valueless real-estate poor neighborhoods--death traps to residents?

Montana's Blackfeet Nation of Native Americans has economically challenged members. Yet, these strong individuals exist in a nirvana, the heaven of soil-rich farm-worthy fields, grazing hills, rugged glacier-filled mountanins: vacationers' dream.

According to Pauline Matt, an Elder of the Blackfeet Nation, the Blackfoot Tribal Council faces the option to sell the health of their virginal lands for the “blood money” bribes of certain energy companies. Will the Blackfeet Tribal Council allow their amazingly rich soil be destroyed by Fracking? The Blackfeet Reservation in Northern Montana and Alberta is filled with medicinal plants, endangered animals, and the freshest maze of miles and miles of underground rivers in the United States. If their waters are poisoned, Montana citizens and surrounding states dependent on those waterways will be seriously adversely affected. Their health and real estate values will plummet.

Blackfeet Native Americans for thousands of years have protected their lands, animals, plants and resources insuring that the needs of the people would not destroy their healthy eco-systems. Pauline Matt further explains how Tribal lands contain vaste natural resources which could generate power for millions without any destructiveness such as energy which would easily harnessing their wind, sun, and water.

Tribal Elders and Tribal Council members have in the past chosen wise land conservation above short term financial payoffs. Will they again?

Already, some natives have noticed sections of their reservation barracaded, isolated from observation and patrolled by out-side companies, according to Blackfoot citizen Bob Bremner. Retail owners outside Browning complain of oil rigs and drillings which are compromising their soil, herbal plant health and expansive views. Air pollution is observable as well especially in the eastern portions of the Blackfoot Reservation.

Peaceful, gentle people such as Pauline Matt, born and raised in the magnificent wetlands of Northern Montana, wish to provent poisoning of their lands in exchange for temporary financial payoffs from the energy companies. Pauline Matt, a master at studying and harnessing the medicinal aspects of precious plants within the Blackfeet Reservation, shares the fear of many who worry that their land will be destroyed like Pinedale, Wyoming after energy companies conducted Hydaulic Fracturing.

The Blackfeet Nation have lived for thousands of years at the headwaters of the continent. Their water is considered the highest quality; the plant life contains numerous medicinal types; and they supply, by way of underground waterways, fresh water for millions of people in many states of the USA and parts of Canada. (

According to Huffington Post August 10, 2012 and Texas and Wyoming recent reactions to local fracking complications, it seems according to many environmentalists, that the efforts of energy companies to continue to rape these types of lands for another energy source are hidden by clearly researched and well-proven lies. Hydraulic Fracturing has poisoned many communities globally with cancer-causing, life-shortening chemicals dumped into needed water sources. Farms, live-stock, drinking water, shower water are contaminated, permenantly where ever hydraulic fracturing has been implemented. Real Estate values have plummeted and all the money Oil companies promise a community for the rights to Fracture their land can never cover the permanent loss of life, health and safety.

Pauline Matt has been addressing these serious concerns facing Montana and the Blackfeet Tribe Reservation whole heartedly.
