

On India visit, Ban stresses country’s role in security, human rights, development

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the Indian Council of World Affairs.


EP pays tribute to victims of Paris terrorist attacks

A minute of silence in the European Parliament hemicycle to pay triubute to the victims of Paris terrorism attacks #JeSuisCharlie


Five years on, Ban honours Haiti’s earthquake victims, looks ahead to brighter future

The Haitian government and the UN Operations have teamed up with project 16/6 - a rebuilding initiative that includes construction training programs.


UN condemns Boko Haram's 'depraved act' as child suicide bombers attack northern Nigeria market

Appalled by the escalating bloodshed at the hands of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria over the past week, capped by reports that suspected child suicide bombers attacked a crowded market in war-torn Borno state, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Anthony Lake, head of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), have both strongly condemned the terrorist group's “depraved act.”


Greek Election Could Herald Change in Europe

The possibility of an anti-bailout and anti-austerity government coming to power in Greece, led by coalition led by the left-wing Syriza party and the nationalist Independent Greeks, has sent terror through the European oligarchy, that their Eurozone, the Europe for the bankers, will collapse. It was in Greece, in 2010, that the imposition of brutal austerity began, in an attempt to save the hopelessly bankrupt European banking system. After Greece, came Ireland, Portugal, the fleecing of the savings of Cypriots, and bankers' governments in Spain and Italy. The Greek elections on Jan. 25 could be the beginning of the end of this nightmare.


The Maritime Silk Road Comes to the Americas

With the Dec. 22 initiation of preparatory work for the western terminus of the Great Inter-Oceanic Canal across Nicaragua, one of the largest civil works projects ever undertaken on the planet is now underway.


Fighting terrorism at EU level, an overview of Commission's actions, measures and initiatives

The fight against terrorism at EU level

What is Europe's role in the fight against terrorism, which is principally a national competence? What does the EU do to support Member States' efforts?


In India, Ban pledges UN commitment to Gandhi's vision of peace, tolerance, dignity for all

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discuss global issues on the margins of the 7th Vibrant Gujarat Summit, India January 2015.


UN to host new round of talks among Libyan parties with view to ending crisis

A destroyed house in Ahy Badr in the town of Mizdah in the Nafusa mountains in Libya after tribal conflict in March 2013.


Shots, Carjacking Reported in Hunt for Paris Terror Suspects

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has confirmed that an operation is under way to capture the two brothers suspected of shooting 12 people to death Wednesday at the Paris headquarters of the Paris magazine Charlie Hebdo.