

Citing need to break ‘cycle of impunity,’ UN panel urges referral of Syria to ICC

A Syrian refugee holds his baby son in a refugee camp in Iraq.


At Security Council, UN envoy cites renewed hope for Afghan peace process

Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Nicholas Haysom, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in that country.


View from Armenia: MEPs and east European MPs to survey new political landscape

Parliamentary responses to radical change in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood, driven by Russian aggression in Ukraine but also by EU association deals with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, will be debated by MEPs and Eastern Partnership countries’ MPs at the fourth ordinary session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in Yerevan, Armenia, this week.


As Syria conflict enters a fifth year, what does it take to end the crisis and end the suffering?

“The appalling crisis in Syria is entering a fifth year. A crisis that continues to exact an unconscionable human cost. A crisis that the international community has failed to stop.


China’s Congress Stakes Out Path for Silk Road Project

The annual dual sessions of the Chinese National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC), held this year in Beijing, are occurring as the Chinese economy finds itself at a crossroads, and the government charts a new course in this period of financial turmoil in the London-New York financial markets. Key elements in the new orientation for the Chinese economy are the building of a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, or as the Chinese say, “One Belt, One Road.”


PACE rapporteurs welcome UNHCR proposals to improve Europe’s response to mass migration

Two PACE rapporteurs dealing with migration have welcomed the announcement by the UNHCR of proposals for European action in the Mediterranean Sea.


EU Bluff Against Greece and Russia Raises War Threat

The desperation move by European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi, to flood the Eurozone with €1.14 billion in so-called “quantitative easing,” while excluding Greece and Cyprus from this dubious bonanza, will doubly accelerate the inevitable collapse of the trans-Atlantic financial system. The simultaneous escalation of provocations against Russia by NATO maneuvers in the Black Sea and the forward basing of NATO troops and heavy equipment in the Baltic States, up to Russia’s borders, are directly related to the impending bankruptcy of the financial system.


U.S. Nuclear Warfighting Plan Could Wipe Out the Human Race

In January 1995, the world came to the brink of nuclear war, but war was avoided because tensions between Russia and the West were very low. The launch of a Norwegian scientific rocket, along a trajectory that coincided with that from which Moscow expected a blinding nuclear attack from U.S. Trident submarine-launched ballistic missiles would originate, set off alarm bells in Moscow, but the conditions of Russia-U.S. relations were such that Russian President Boris Yeltsin was able to hold off long enough to determine that, in fact, there was no activity by U.S. nuclear forces that were a threat to Russia.


UK's pension freedoms to be extended to people with annuities

Chancellor announces government will extend pension freedoms to around 5 million people who have already bought an annuity.



UK agrees closer working on NATO military exercises

UK Prime Minister has announced greater collaboration with NATO on its military training exercises to tackle new threats faced by the Alliance.
