

Libyan parties encouraged to act on UN-backed peace plan

Special Representative for Libya Bernardino León speaks at a press conference in Skhirat, Morocco.


Shakira and UNICEF call for leaders to join the early childhood revolution

200 million children failing to reach development potential

L-R: Dr. Jack Shonkoff, of Harvard University; UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake; Madame Yoo Soon-taek; UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; Shakira; and Matthew Bishop, of The Economist, at the ‘Meeting of the Minds' event


Thousands of refugees fleeing war cross into Croatia triggering sad memories of own recent past

Mandana Amiri, UNHCR protection officer, writes an information poster in Farsi for refugees at the Croatian government transit center in Opatovac, near the Serbian border


Concerned by escalating violence in Burkina Faso, Ban urges respect for all citizens

Protesters burn tires on the streets of Ouagadogou, Burkina Faso, following the government takeover by members of the presidential guard.


UNHCR outlines proposals to manage refugee and migration crisis in Europe ahead of EU Summit

People relaxing at the Croatian government transit center in Opatovac, near the Serbian border.


Another weekend of tragedy marks the Mediterranean, with up to 40 refugees dead

Belongings from the latest victims of a doomed attempt to reach safety in Europe


Draghi, taxes, migration

MEPs have another busy week ahead of them.


Schulz in Paris: Europe needs to come up with a common response to the refugee crisis

Martin Schulz (right) with François Hollande


Migration: civil liberties committee to debate Commission plan for permanent relocation scheme

The civil liberties committee discusses on Tuesday 22 September new proposals by the European Commission to tackle the refugee crisis. Proposed measures include a permanent relocation mechanism, a common EU list of safe countries of origin and an effective return policy. Ahead of the debate, we asked Parliament’s political groups for their views on the crisis.


Federal Safety-Net Programs Continue to Keep Millions Out of Poverty

On September 16, despite relatively little change in U.S. poverty numbers, Bread for the World points to new U.S. Census Bureau data showing that federal safety-net programs continue to prevent millions of people from falling into poverty. The bureau announced that 14.8 percent of Americans lived in poverty in 2014, essentially unchanged from 2013.