

European Parliament Plenary highlights: Brexit, border controls and emissions



Time has come to give new impetus and new substance to the NATO-EU strategic partnership

We believe that the time has come to give new impetus and new substance to the NATO-EU strategic partnership.


Ahead of South Sudan's fifth anniversary of independence, renewed violence draws UN concern

Of Nuer ethnicity, Adhieu Chol moved to Lakes state’s Rumbek long ago to marry a Dinka man from the area. Since September 2015, she has provided sanctuary to many internally displaced people from Unity state looking for safety in Rumbek, South Sudan.


El Niño is over but its impact on children is set to worsen as disease, malnutrition continue to spread

In Eastern and Southern Africa alone, 26.5 million children are in need of aid

A child is being treated for severe acture malnutrition in Angola which has been hard hit by the recurrent cycles of droughts and floods that characterize El Niño.


As global per-capita fish consumption hits all-time high, UN warns on overharvesting

Kenyan fishermen on Lake Victoria use special nets to conserve dwindling fish stock.


In China, Ban highlights country’s leadership on sustainable development, climate change

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) addresses a joint press conference with Wang Yi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.


Iraq: Teacher union outrage at bombing

The Iraqi Teachers’ Union has firmly condemned the latest terrorist attack perpetrated by Daesh in Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad, leaving, according to latest official reports, 200 people dead and 225 others severely injured.


Response to El Niño must be ramped up amid preparedness for La Niña's likely knock-on effect – UN

Dugda Woreda, East Showa zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia, an area severely affected by the drought.


UNICEF-UNRWA condemn bombing of child friendly space in Khan Eishieh Camp in Syria

The latest attack on Khan Eishieh Refugee Camp, home to Palestinian refugees and internally displaced Syrians, is the latest example in the Syria conflict of the inhumane disregard for life, particularly that of children and infrastructure on which they depend.


UN rights chief deplores terrorist attack in Baghdad; calls on Iraqi authorities to protect civilians

High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein addresses the 31st regular session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.