

UNHCR welcomes definitive peace agreement in Colombia

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes the announcement by the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) that they have reached a final, full and definitive peace agreement. After more than fifty years of armed conflict, this accord constitutes a crucial step in the quest for durable peace in Colombia, and for stability in the region.


UNHCR welcomes announcement of Independent Paralympic Team comprising two refugees

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, warmly welcomes the announcement by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) of two refugees who will compete as a team in the upcoming 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.


UN Security Council: Ensure Justice for Syria Atrocities

Impose Sanctions on Government, Refer Situation to ICC

The United Nations Security Council should urgently impose sanctions on the Syrian government for chemical weapon attacks in Syria and refer the situation to the International Criminal Court. In a report issued on August 24, 2016, a UN-appointed investigation attributed two chemical weapon attacks to the Syrian government and one to the Islamic State (also known as ISIS), which is already under UN sanctions.


On World Day, top UN officials call for prompt entry into force of nuclear test ban treaty

Licorne nuclear test, 1971, French Polynesia.


Displaced athletes to make historic debut at Paralympic Games in Rio

For the first time, a team of refugee athletes with disabilities will compete on the world stage.

Athletes with disabilities have vied for glory at the Paralympic Games since 1960. This summer, for the first time, para-athletes who have faced the additional challenge of being displaced from their homeland will compete in Rio de Janeiro as the Independent Paralympic Athletes Team.


2016: America’s Moment of Decision

In November 2000, just days before the ill-fated U.S. Presidential Election (ill-fated because, like today, there was no possible “winning outcome”), Lyndon LaRouche wrote an extraordinary and prescient paper entitled, “Politics as Art,” which concludes

. . .there is a precious lesson to be learned by all citizens and other residents of the United States, especially those oppressed by the ruinous policy-trends of the past thirty-five years, from, among relevant other sources, the polished form of what is called the Negro Spiritual.


News - Country: Italy - Theme: Others After earthquake, Italian unions join in solidarity



Aid convoys ‘ready’ to enter Aleppo; UN envoys await Russia-US talks on truce

Food, nutrition, health and emergency items enter the Al Waer neighbourhood of Homs, Syria, on 23 August 2016.


UN rights chief calls for international probe into alleged violations in Yemen

The city of Sa’ada in Yemen has been heavily hit by airstrikes.


Democratic control: Parliament’s powers of investigation

Parliament is not just there to amend and approve new laws, but also to scrutinise the EU institutions. One of the tools at its disposal are committees that investigate specific issues. In recent months committees have been set up to look into revelations on car emissions cheating and wealthy individuals stashing money offshore. Parliament uses its investigative powers to address people’s concerns and put important issues on the political agenda.