

Kuwait Continues To Support WFP’s Humanitarian Operations In Syria

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomed a contribution of U S$6 million from the Government of Kuwait to support WFP’s humanitarian operations in Syria on Nov 15.


Central African Republic: Nearly one in five children is a refugee or internally displaced

Focus on children crucial as aid officials meet in Brussels to secure aid package

Alison, 14, reads a book beneath a makeshift shelter at the Grand Séminaire Saint Marc de Bimbo site for internally displaced people, in Bangui, Central African Republic.


In Parliament this week: EU budget, taxation, and climate change

14-18 November 2016


Kuwait Delivers Timely Contribution to Help Syrian Refugees Weather Winter Months

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is delighted to announce that the State of Kuwait has made a significant new contribution to support efforts to protect and assist refugees affected by the Syria crisis.


As Conflict In Mosul Intensifies, WFP Reaches Over 100,000 Iraqis With Food Assistance

WFP strives to reach all those affected by the Mosul crisis.


Drones: new EU rules to ensure safety and privacy

Drones are used for many things, from filming and taking photos to inspecting gas pipelines and spraying crops. But these small unmanned aircraft could also pose a risk to airplanes and be used to invade people’s privacy. On Thursday 10 November the transport committee approved changes to EU aviation safety rules that would also include basic safety measures for drones. Find out more about drones in our infographic.


Not the U.S., but the World Rejects Hillary/Obama

You can’t limit yourself to the United States to understand what has happened. What’s happened is that a lot of the world has gotten into this act. Some people who are naive may say it’s local, that it’s only in the United States or parts of the United States. But that’s not true. This development was absolutely international; it was not national, but international in its entire character. Germany was a big factor in it. Vladimir Putin of Russia was a big factor in this situation. So that’s the pattern; it’s not a local pattern in the United States. U.S. factors have significance, but it’s not something you can parcel out under categories; you have to see the larger, total picture. That’s evident once we start to treat the economy seriously. In other words, instead of trying to figure out how to get this particular product out in a certain way, and so forth, the point is that you have to start on a global basis. What we’re dealing with is on a global basis.


UN-brokered Cyprus talks to reconvene on 20 November; 'significant progress' achieved

Following five days of the United Nations-brokered reunification talks that generated “significant progress,” the leaders of the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities have decided to take a recess and reconvene on 20 November.


Efforts to revolutionize transport around the world are gaining momentum with more Governments and businesses exploring possibilities for electric vehicles and low-carbon emissions transport systems, said transport experts attending the United Nations Cli

The European Union has been a partner of the Central African Republic for over 30 years and remains until today one of the country's main development partners. Since 2013, the European Union has contributed more than €500 million to assist the Central African Republic in responding to the cycle of insecurity, violence and political instability it was challenged with. In that respect, the European Union has mobilised all its available instruments in a comprehensive and integrated manner, including its first multi-donor Trust Fund "Bêkou" and traditional development aid, three military Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations, civilian crisis response and humanitarian aid. This was complemented with sustained political and diplomatic engagement with the Central African Republic authorities and international partners on all levels. Indeed, the European Union has been instrumental in contributing towards the stabilisation efforts in the Central African Republic.


Spain’s Donation To Western Sahara Refugees Supports WFP At A Critical Time

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a donation from the Government of Spain to help provide the basic food needs of Western Sahara refugees living in Algeria.