

White Nationalist Richard Spencer Shouted Down at University of Florida Speech

White separatist leader Richard Spencer gave up trying to speak Thursday at the University of Florida in Gainesville when protesters shouted him down.


Kelly ‘Stunned, Broken-hearted' Over Trump Fallen Soldier Controversy

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly defended President Donald Trump's handling of the deaths of U.S. service members, and delivered an intense emotional rebuke to those he accused of politicizing the issue.


Rohingya Camps a “Child Protection Disaster Waiting to Happen,” With More Than 450,000 Children Out of School

Overcrowding, a lack of schooling and widespread desperation among the Rohingya in camps and makeshift settlements in Bangladesh are putting children at an alarming risk of exploitation and abuse, Save the Children has warned.


UN chief announces trip to Central African Republic, where crisis is 'far from media spotlight'

Secretary General António Guterres speaks to the media about his upcoming trip to Central African Republic


Tillerson: Myanmar Military Leaders Responsible for Rohingya Crisis

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Wednesday he holds the military leadership in Myanmar responsible for the current refugee crisis affecting the country’s Rohingya Muslim population.


UNICEF and partner agencies in South Sudan help reunite 5,000 children with families

A child attending school holds up a stuffed toy he received during a distribution of early childhood development kits and recreational kits from UNICEF in Yei, South Sudan.


OSCE media freedom representative concerned about ban on reporting about Icelandic bank

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir, on October 18, expressed his concern about an injunction issued by the Reykjavik District Commissioner on any reporting on leaked documents from the collapsed bank Glitnir. The documents, which have been reported on by international and domestic news media, allegedly include information about the prime minister’s financial interests at the bank.


7,000 newborns die every day, despite steady decrease in under-five mortality, new report says

At current trends, 30 million newborns will die within first 28 days of life between 2017 and 2030

A newborn is fed donor milk by a nurse at the Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU) at the Government hospital in Nalgonda District. Telangana State, India.


New Green Card Lottery Enrollment Period Starts Wednesday

A new enrollment period for the U.S. Diversity Immigrant Visa Program - also known as the Green Card Lottery - begins Wednesday. All applicants must apply between October 18 and November 22 to have their entries considered.


The Austrian OSCE Chairmanship closely followed the meeting of the President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, organized under the auspices of the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group i

The share of all EU citizens who believe that their country has benefitted from EU membership is 64%, an increase of four percentage points compared to 2016.

In Britain 55% consider membership to have been of benefit to the country. Conversely the number of Britons who believe the UK has not benefitted from EU membership has dropped by 7 percentage points to 27%.