

Amid funding crunch, UN agency seeks $800 million in lifesaving aid for Palestine refugees

From 21-24 February 2016, UNRWA distributed 19,160 thermal blankets to approximately 5,700 Palestinian refugee and other civilian families from the besieged and hard to reach Syrian communities of Yarmouk, Yalda, Babila and Beit Saham.


Belgium strengthens partnership with WFP in a year of rising needs

In 2017, the Government of Belgium reinforced its partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition. Last year, the Belgian Development Cooperation contributed nearly €20 million to WFP operations that assisted more than 14.5 million people in nine countries and supported responses to some of the world’s most pressing humanitarian crises.


EU Contributed Over €1 Billion to WFP In The Fight Against Hunger in 2017

Last year, the European Commission contributed over €1 billion to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), making it the second-largest donor to the agency in 2017. Millions of people across 48 countries had better access to lifesaving and nutritious food thanks to the European Union’s (EU) commitment to fight hunger worldwide.


UNICEF seeks $3.6 billion in emergency assistance for 48 million children caught up in catastrophic humanitarian crises

117 million people living through conflict and disaster lack access to safe water

10-month-old Atica, a Rohingya refugee, sips water from a mug held by her sister, 11-year-old Musaddeka, after eating ready-to-use therapeutic food, at their family’s shelter in the Moinerghona refugee camp, Bangladesh.


Trump Issues Order to Keep Guantanamo Open

A new executive order, issued as U.S. President Donald Trump gave his State of the Union address, cancels a 2009 order in which President Barack Obama promised to close the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba.


UNHCR and partners seeks US$157 million to aid Boko Haram displaced

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, together with humanitarian partners, on Januray 31, launched an inter-agency funding appeal for US$157 million to help over a quarter of a million people affected by the Boko Haram insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin region.


Federal Judge Says He Cannot Ignore Trump's 'Vicious' Anti-immigrant Comments

A federal judge hearing a challenge to President Donald Trump's order to end a program protecting some young immigrants from deportation says he cannot ignore Trump's "drumbeat" of "vicious" anti-immigrant comments.


Hawaii Fires Emergency Official Responsible for False Missile Alert

The Hawaii state employee responsible for launching an erroneous January 13 warning of an incoming missile attack has been fired, following a report stating that the employee had a history of confusing practice exercises with real-life events.


UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie: no negotiated peace without human rights and dignity for the Syrian people

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie interacts with Syrian refugee children at a news conference at Za’atari camp in Jordan.


US Senate Blocks 20-Week Abortion Bill

U.S. Democratic senators have blocked a bill that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks, ensuring that the procedure stays legal through the later terms of a woman’s pregnancy.