

Nine Afghan children killed or maimed daily in world’s most lethal warzone

Parties must protect children, end targeting of schools and clinics

The 40-year-old conflict in Afghanistan is having a devastating impact on children and parties are failing in their duty to shield them from its consequences, UNICEF said in a new report released on Dec 16, 2019.


‘Embrace the transformation’ to a carbon-neutral world by 2050, UN chief tells COP25

With millions of workers increasingly affected by the climate crisis the route to securing livelihoods in the future lies in a wholesale transformation of how we power the planet and manage our resources, the UN chief said on Thursday, at a COP25 climate action event focused on greener jobs.


South Sudan famine threat: UN food security agency in ‘race against time’

A woman and her family wade through a flooded plain to reach their home in Thaker, Unity state, South Sudan.


COP25: Italy and Mexico pave the way on climate education

Six-year-old girl in Beira receives her education pack as part of UNICEF's ramped-up response to children and families in Mozambique affected by Cylcone Idai, April 2019.


The United Nations Network on Migration Commemorates First Anniversary of the Adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

The United Nations Network on Migration commemorates this first anniversary of the adoption in Marrakech, Morocco, of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Global Compact) and celebrates the world’s 272 million migrants and their important role and the contributions to countries of origin and destination.


More support needed for refugee education in Iran

Two Afghan refugee sisters living in Iran line up to start the school year.


UNHCR welcomes Brazil’s decision to recognize thousands of Venezuelans as refugees

Venezuelans Ricardo and Maria hold their one-month-old son at a shelter in Manaus, Brazil.


Saudi National Officially Identified as US Naval Base Shooter

The FBI has officially identified the shooter at the U.S. naval base in Pensacola, Florida who shot and killed three people Friday.


UNHCR statement on Australia’s repeal of Medevac legislation

The Regional Processing Centre on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, November 2014.


Weekend Travel in France Disrupted by Work Stoppages and Protests

France's most serious nationwide work stoppage in decades frustrated weekend travelers Saturday as truckers blocked thoroughfares and vital transportation services continued to operate far below normal capacity.