

Apple Files Second Suit Against Smartphone Competitor HTC

Admid the frenzied launch of its iPhone 4, Apple found time to file a second lawsuit against HTC, maker of popular smartphones that often run Google's Android mobile operating system. The suit alleges two new instances of patent infringement on HTC's part.

Despite the frenzy surrounding the launch of the iPhone 4, Apple found time to file a second suit against competitor HTC.

In a June 21 document, filed in a Federal District Court in Delaware, Apple alleged that HTC infringes on two additional patents not mentioned in its first suit, filed in early March, which accused HTC of violating 20 patents related to the iPhone's interface, architecture and hardware. The two patents mentioned in the second suit relate to the same type of technology, which Apple described as a "system for real-time adaptation to changes in display configuration."


Earth to Lend Helping Hand to Comet Craft

NASA's Deep Impact/EPOXI spacecraft will fly past Earth this Sunday (June 27). Mission navigators have tailored this trajectory so the spacecraft can "hitch a ride" on Earth's gravity field, which will help propel the mission toward its appointment with comet Hartley 2 this fall. At time of closest approach to Earth, the spacecraft will be about 30,400 kilometers (18,900 miles) above the South Atlantic.


The Coolest Stars Come Out of the Dark

Astronomers have uncovered what appear to be 14 of the coldest stars known in our universe. These failed stars, called brown dwarfs, are so cold and faint that they'd be impossible to see with current visible-light telescopes. Spitzer's infrared vision was able to pick out their feeble glow, much as a firefighter uses infrared goggles to find hot spots buried underneath a dark forest floor.


NASA Demonstrates Tsunami Prediction System

PASADENA, Calif. - A NASA-led research team has successfully demonstrated for the first time elements of a prototype tsunami prediction system that quickly and accurately assesses large earthquakes and estimates the size of resulting tsunamis.


Facebook simplifies its privacy controls

Facebook privacy settings will become easier to change and users will be able to hide all of their information from third parties if they wish, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Wednesday.


Scientists to study impact of gulf oil spill on marine food webs

SAN FRANCISCO (May 24, 2010) – New reports are surfacing every day about the immediate impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Gulf Coast wildlife, especially as the oil reaches the sensitive marshlands along the coast. But how will these communities be affected over time? Scientists currently know very little about how long it takes for the hydrocarbons and heavy metals in crude oil to work their way through marine food webs.