

Scientists spot largest molecules in space

Scientists in Canada have spotted the largest molecules existing in space called buckyballs.


Universe's biggest star discovered

The biggest star, with a mass 320 times greater than the sun's, has been discovered at the edge of our galaxy by British astronomers.


Boeing Executive Panel Provides 787 Dreamliner Overview

Five experts provided insight into the origins and progress of the Boeing (NYSE: BA) 787 Dreamliner program at the Farnborough International Airshow Tuesday.


NASA 'elated' after 'previously invisible space objects' uncovered

An array of previously 'invisible' space objects have been discovered by one of NASA's newest space telescopes, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), in just six months.


Fast Feet: A Springy Step Helps Humans Walk

It took a few million years for human ancestors to evolve into the walking, talking, texting and blogging creatures we've become. Along the way, the human body and brain have changed a lot. And we couldn't have done it without our feet.


Caveman's 4,500-year-old doodle on rock discovered

Scientists have discovered what is believed to be one of the world's oldest doodles - an ancient scrawl carved onto a rock by a caveman 4,500 years ago.


Britons create world's first workable bionic legs

Two Britons living in New Zealand have built a pair of bionic legs that allow paraplegics - those with complete paralysis of the lower half of the body - to walk again.


Your longevity depends on your brain size!

Mammals with larger brains in relation to body size tend to have longer lives.


Blind Drivers Get Behind the Wheel

A new hi-tech car allows blind people to drive independently. Set to make its debut on the Daytona International Speedway in 2011, the modified Ford Escape is equipped with non-visual sensors that enable blind drivers to make safe decisions on the road.


Desktop Printers May Soon Be Used to Restore Human Skin

Researchers at Wake Forest University are developing a method of printing skin tissue onto burn victims for faster and more thorough healing.

Scientists have created a new use for outdated ink-jet printers. They are putting the finishing touches on techniques that will allow doctors to print skin onto burn victims. Sound like something out of the future? It’s not too far from becoming an everyday treatment.