Human Rights

UN sounds the alarm as dire humanitarian situation continues to grip Somalia

As Somalia remains in the grip of a humanitarian crisis, it is vital to ensure adequate funding to assist the 3.2 million people – or more than 40 per cent of the population – who rely on international aid, a senior United Nations aid official stressed today.

UN hails Viet Nam’s moves to end statelessness of Cambodian refugees

Viet Nam’s steps towards granting citizenship to thousands of former Cambodian refugees makes the country a global leader in ending and preventing statelessness, the United Nations refugee agency said today.

Kyrgyz security forces committing human rights violations, says top UN official

Security forces in southern Kyrgyzstan are responsible for human rights violations, ranging from arbitrary detention to torture, threatening the fragile peace in the area six weeks after it was rocked by deadly inter-ethnic violence, a top United Nations official said today.

India: From Stone Pelting In Kashmir Streets To Facebook Protests

The beautiful Kashmir Region is marred with territorial conflicts between India, Pakistan and China since the British colonial rulers left India in 1947. Amidst a few wars all these countries have made claims to different parts of Kashmir, based on historical developments and religious affiliations of the Kashmiri people.

Retired Senior Police Officer talks about the Devastating Degeneration of the Police Department

SSP Angunawala (Rtd) who served the department for thirty six and half years commented on the reasons for the degeneration of the police department in a taped interview given to Janasansadaya, a human rights organization.

Sri Lanka at the moment is undergoing a very bad situation in the field of human values and the deterioration of human values has caused the deterioration of departments under which all these people are recruited to. Now the police department has suffered great damage due to the deterioration of the society as well as what has been influencing the police department towards the worst.

Australian senator demands burka ban in country

Australian liberal senator Cory Bernardi has urged the country to follow the lead of France and ban the burka, describing it as "the most public symbol of fundamentalist Islam".

Israel to get tougher on Arab residents

The Israeli cabinet is expected to approve on Sunday several new regulations pertaining to immigration and citizenship, including a measure that would make it compulsory for applicants to swear loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state”.

Rise in African kids accused of witchcraft

The number of children accused of witchcraft in parts of Africa is increasing significantly, with orphans, street children and disabled mostly at risk, Unicef has said.

Difficult Births: Laboring And Delivering In Shackles

It's a practice so hidden, many don't realize it exists: the shackling of incarcerated women during childbirth.

AFGHANISTAN-ANGOLA: Donors deserve a pat on the back

Just under half of the US$9.5 billion the UN and NGOs have called for to respond to emergencies worldwide in 2010 was received by the end of June - more than was expected, given the dark economic climate, says the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).