Human Rights

Gender equality vital for world to fulfill potential, Ban tells thousands at women's march in New York

On International Women's Day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls for boosted global efforts to achieve gender equality.

On International Women's Day, UN urges more action to achieve gender equality

A young woman from a fishing community in West Bengal in eastern India. She comes from a village that is known for high levels of trafficking of women and girls to other major cities.

Liliana Rodrigues: Women's rights concern all of us

Liliana Rodrigues

PAKISTAN: AHRC condemns barring the Baloch leaders for departing to USA

Mama Qadeer

Algeria: Arrested for Ironic Facebook Post

Comments Referred to Anti-Fracking Protests

Algerian authorities arrested a labor rights activist on March 1, 2015, based on ironic comments he made on Facebook. The activist, Rachid Aouine, is accused of “inciting an unarmed gathering” and could face up to one year in jail.

Kyrgyzstan: Reject Anti-LGBT Bill

‘Propaganda’ Measure Entrenches Bias, Could Fuel Violence

Kyrgyzstan’s parliamentary Committee on Law, Order and Fighting Crime approved a blatantly discriminatory anti-gay “propaganda” bill on February 17, 2015, Human Rights Watch said on March 7. Kyrgyzstan’s parliament should resolutely reject the bill when it goes to a vote.

Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts

New Resource on Gender-Based Violence for People With Disabilities

A resident sits on the floor in the women’s ward of Thane Mental Hospital, a 1,857-bed facility in the suburbs of Mumbai.

Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts

New Resource on Gender-Based Violence for People With Disabilities

A resident sits on the floor in the women’s ward of Thane Mental Hospital, a 1,857-bed facility in the suburbs of Mumbai.

Member States must ‘step it up’ on gender parity as UN sets equality targets for 2030

Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, briefs journalists.

PAKISTAN: Women's Day-despite enactment of progressive laws there is persistent regression of women's right
