Human Rights

Iran: Afghan Children Recruited to Fight in Syria

Protection Gaps Increase Children’s Vulnerability

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has recruited Afghan immigrant children living in Iran to fight in Syria, Human Rights Watch said on Oct 01. Afghan children as young as 14 have fought in the Fatemiyoun division, an exclusively Afghan armed group supported by Iran that fights alongside government forces in the Syrian conflict. Under international law, recruiting children under the age of 15 to participate actively in hostilities is a war crime.

Jordan: Syrian Refugees Being Summarily Deported

No Due Process Protection; Risk of Serious Harm

Jordanian authorities have been summarily deporting Syrian refugees – including collective expulsions of large families, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on Oct 02. The Syrians are not being given a meaningful chance to challenge their removal and Jordan has not assessed their need for international protection.

Rohingya refugee crisis a ‘human rights nightmare,’ UN chief tells Security Council

New arrivals in Bangladesh’s Ukhiya area right after crossing the border with Myanmar’s northern Rakhine state.

Rwanda: Post-Election Political Crackdown

Arrests, Enforced Disappearances, Threats Against Opponents

Rwandan authorities have arrested, forcibly disappeared, and threatened political opponents since the August 2017 presidential elections, Human Rights Watch said on Sep 29. The incumbent, Paul Kagame, won the election with a reported 98.79 percent of the vote.

Iraq: Investigate Abuses in Hawija Operation

Armed Units Linked to Abuse, Disappearances of Villagers

Two elderly men from Sayhat Othman village show researchers the blisters on their wrists caused by handcuffs.

Government officials and civil society discuss ways to advance the human dimension of security in Ukraine at OSCE/ODIHR event in Kyiv

Valeriya Lutkovska, Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, delivering opening remarks at a conference on the human dimension of security in Ukraine organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

Hanging of 42 prisoners in Iraq raises concern over flawed due process – UN rights chief

High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.

‘Time to stamp out human trafficking,’ says Guterres; UN pledges action to eradicate ‘heinous crime’

Trafficked sex worker in Cambodia.

Crimea: Crimean Tatar Leader Convicted on Spurious Charges

Guilty Verdict Should be Challenged, Sentence Set Aside

A Russian court in Crimea on September 27, 2017, convicted a prominent Crimean Tatar leader on bogus separatism charges following an unfair trial, Human Rights Watch said on Sep 27.

Saudi Arabia: As Women’s Driving Ban Ends, Provide Parity

Remove Other Travel-Related Restrictions

Saudi authorities, in ending the ban on women driving, should not impose any additional restrictions that it does not impose on men, Human Rights Watch said on Sep 27. Saudi authorities announced on September 26, 2017, that the government would end the longstanding ban on women driving cars in Saudi Arabia.