Human Rights

Iraq: Secret Detention, No Recourse

Campaign of Enforced Disappearances

Iraqi military and security forces have disappeared dozens of mostly Sunni Arab males since 2014, including children as young as 9, often in the context of counterterrorism operations, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on September 27, 2018.

France: Aid Worker Convicted for Tweet

First Such Conviction in French Courts

A humanitarian worker’s defamation conviction on September 25, 2018, for an ironic tweet represents a dangerous escalation in official harassment of groups providing crucial aid to migrants, Human Rights Watch said on september 27, 2018. It is the first conviction of its kind in France.

Bangladesh: New Law Will Silence Critics

Digital Security Act is Overly Broad, Ripe for Abuse

The Digital Security Act passed by the Bangladeshi parliament last week, despite vehement opposition from the country’s journalists, strikes a blow to freedom of speech in the country, Human Rights Watch said on September 24, 2018. The law, which replaces the much-criticized Information and Communication Technology Act (ICT), retains the most problematic provisions of that law and adds more provisions criminalizing peaceful speech.

US: Devastating Impact of Jailing Mothers

Even Short Stays in Jail Can Cause Permanent Harm to Families

Mothers in jail are being torn from their families and losing contact with their children even before they have been convicted of a crime, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union said in a joint report released on September 26, 2018.

Bangladesh: Rohingya Refugees with Disabilities

Video Shows Need to Improve Infrastructure, Provide Services

Bangladesh’s overcrowded, hilly, and rain-soaked mega camp for ethnic Rohingya refugees is precarious for everyone, but especially for people with disabilities, Human Rights Watch said in a new video on September 24. More than 700,000 people reside in the camp after fleeing the Myanmar military’s campaign of ethnic cleansing more than a year ago.

China: Hong Kong Party Banned

Ominous Sign for Freedoms of Association, Expression, Assembly

The Hong Kong government’s decision to ban the pro-independence Hong Kong National Party is a grim sign for human rights in the territory, Human Rights Watch said on September 24, 2018. It is the first time a political party has been banned since Hong Kong returned to Chinese sovereignty in 1997.

Peace is at risk and violated in many places, but ‘we will not give up,’ says UN chief Guterres

Secretary-General António Guterres rings the Peace Bell at the annual ceremony held at UN Headquarters in observance of the International Day of Peace.

Mauritania: Activist Charged for Decrying Racism

Drop Peaceful Speech Charges; Reveal Any Evidence

A Mauritanian criminal court has charged an activist with incitement to violence and racial hatred for social media messages decrying racial discrimination in the country, Human Rights Watch said on September 21, 2018. The authorities should drop any charges against the activist, Abdallahi Salem Ould Yali, that relate to his peaceful speech on behalf of his marginalized community, and ensure he has speedy access to all the evidence against him.

Liberia: At UN, President Should Back Justice

80 Groups Call for Accountability for Past Crimes

Liberian President George Weah should show leadership at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly by announcing his government’s endorsement of justice and reparations for victims of grave crimes during the country’s civil wars, 80 nongovernmental organizations said in a letter to the president released on September 20, 2018.

Nigeria: Flawed Trials of Boko Haram Suspects

Ensure Due Process, Victim Participation

Nigeria’s prosecution of suspected Boko Haram members has been characterized by serious legal shortcomings, and the authorities are failing to prioritize prosecution of those most responsible for the group’s atrocities, Human Rights Watch said on September 17, 2018.