Human Rights

Iran: Environmentalists Languish in Jail

Arbitrary Detention, No Clear Charges or Due Process

Eight environmental activists arbitrarily detained in Iran in January and February 2018 remain in detention eight months later without clear charges, Human Rights Watch said on October 10, 2018. Iranian authorities should either immediately release them or charge them with recognizable crimes and produce evidence to justify their continued detention.

Australia’s Modern Slavery Bill – brief analysis

Australia is debating the Modern Slavery Bill. We welcome it, but it doesn’t go far enough, blogs Carolyn Liaw from Anti-Slavery Australia.

Vulnerable people have been identified as trafficked or exploited in many contexts across Australia including in sexual exploitation, domestic work, various industries from hospitality to construction, as well as within family relationships. A recent case resulting in a conviction for child trafficking involved a person’s intention to traffic babies into Australia for the purpose of making child exploitation material and distributing that material through the internet.

Venezuela prisons ‘beyond monstrous’, UN warns, highlighting plight of Colombian detainees

A prison cell.

Ghana: Oversight Needed to Enforce Shackling Ban

Monitoring, Community Mental Health Services Needed to End Abuse

Hundreds of people with real or perceived mental health conditions remain chained or confined in prayer camps in Ghana, despite some progress, one year after the government pledged to enforce a ban on shackling, Human Rights Watch said on October 09, 2018 for the World Mental Health Day.

Bullying: Protection for children is a ‘fundamental human right’ says top UN advocate

Peer mediators simulate a case of bullying at Branko Radicevic School in Mitrovica North, on May 30, 2018. Snezana Dzogovic, 16, (right) experienced bullying when she was 11. Since being supported by the UNICEF supported Domovik NGO, she has grown to be active as a mediator.

Sri Lanka: Government Slow to Return Land

Create Consultative Process to End Military Occupation

The Sri Lankan government has yet to fully restore civilian ownership of land and property nearly a decade since the end of the civil war in 2009, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on October 09, 2018. Progress, particularly since the election of a new government in 2015, has been hindered by broad military claims of national security and the lack of a transparent process.

Jordan: Small Step for Non-Citizen Children

Removal of Barrier to Obtain Identification Card

Jordan’s cabinet on September 10, 2018 removed a barrier to services for non-citizen children of Jordanian women, Human Rights Watch said on October 07, 2018. The measure does not ensure full equality in citizenship laws for Jordanian women and their children.

Paris: Dire Situation for Migrant Adolescents Arriving Alone

Flawed Procedures Block Access to Services

Paris child protection authorities employ inadequate procedures that arbitrarily deny formal recognition as a child to unaccompanied migrant children, denying many the services they desperately need.

India: 7 Rohingya Deported to Myanmar

Forced Returns Threaten Life, Liberty; Violate International Law

The Indian government has deported seven ethnic Rohingya Muslims to Myanmar, where they are at grave risk of abuse, Human Rights Watch said. The Indian foreign ministry said that on October 4, 2018, Indian authorities handed over the men to Myanmar authorities at the border town of Moreh in Manipur State after “reconfirming their willingness to be repatriated.”

Human Rights breaches in China, Belarus and United Arab Emirates

MEPs deplore arbitrary arrests and detentions of ethnic minorities, journalists and human rights defenders in China, Belarus and the United Arab Emirates.