Finance & Economics

World Bank Invests in Expanded Water and Sewage Services for Gaza

A US$6.4 million project will support the development of better water management systems

A US$6.4 million grant to improve and expand coverage of water and sewage services in Gaza was approved by the World Bank Group Board of Directors Tuesday. The Gaza Water Supply and Sewage Systems Improvement Project will finance the rehabilitation and expansion of existing water and wastewater systems and enhance the capacity to provide and maintain water and sewage services.

Debt Deal Marks 'New Day' for Greece

The eurozone has agreed on a deal that will reduce Greek debt and help the nation avoid bankruptcy. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras says the deal marks a “new day” for the debt-laden country.

China and World Bank Group Launch New Knowledge Hub to Provide Solutions for Reducing Poverty

Joint effort will initially tap China’s experience in managing low-carbon urban transport

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim with Chinese Minister of Finance Xie Xuren

White House: Consumer Spending Will Decline Unless Congress Averts Fiscal Cliff


CONGO: Imports, corruption drive up food prices


Tax Reforms Continue Worldwide Despite Economic Turmoil, Electronic Filing Increasing Especially

A new report from the World Bank, IFC, and PwC finds that governments continue to reform their tax systems despite global economic uncertainty, with 31 economies having taken steps from June last year through May 2012 to make it easier and cost less for small and medium businesses to pay taxes.

Developing countries to receive over $400 billion in remittances in 2012, says World Bank report

Remittance flows to the developing world are expected to exceed earlier estimates and total $406 billion this year, an increase of 6.5 percent over the previous year, according to a new World Bank brief on global migration and remittances.

TV, Film Production Leaving Los Angeles


Sustainable Materials Management: Making Better Use of Resources

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Domestic material consumption versus GDP, OECD, 1980-2008
Index 1980=100
OECD figures do not include: Chile, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Israel.

Responding to the crisis: what are OECD countries doing to strengthen their public finances?

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