Finance & Economics

Brazil: Enhancing audit reporting is key to the integrity of government accounts

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Figure 1. Link between the TCU audit report and main findings on the Accounts of the President of the Republic
Share of total report content linked to qualifications and recommendations, by audit fiscal year

Urgent Action Needed on Climate Change in Arab World

New report charts current and future damage from the region’s rapidly changing climate and calls for strong leadership in preparing countries and communities to face the threat

The impact of climate change will be especially acute in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, according to a new World Bank Group report, and immediate action will be needed to avoid the projected consequences of worsening water shortages and rising food insecurity.

Progress made on immigrant integration but more efforts needed on education and jobs, finds OECD

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Luxembourg: a generous aid donor

Luxembourg allocated 0.97% of its gross national income, or USD 413 million, to official development assistance in 2011.“Luxembourg is the Development Assistance Committee’ s third most generous donor as a portion of its economy – after Sweden and Norway – and it has a high quality programme” says Brian Atwood, Chair of the DAC. “We commend Luxembourg’s commitment to keeping its ODA at 1% of GNI until 2014”.

FYR Macedonia Country Partnership Strategy Progress Report helps the country in the midst of Eurozone crisis

The World Bank’s Executive Directors on last Thursday discussed the Country Partnership Strategy Progress Report (CPSPR) for FYR Macedonia.

World Bank Warns Against Complacency Amid High Food Prices and Hunger

The world cannot afford for high and volatile food prices to be the “new normal,” while millions of people continue to suffer from hunger and to die from malnutrition, the World Bank Group warned on last Thursday.

Spain has embarked on the path to recovery, but must continue with reforms, OECD says


Global economy facing hesitant and uneven recovery, says OECD


World Bank approves $500 million to accelerate Tunisia’s economic recovery, pave way for more inclusive growth

The World Bank Tuesday approved a US$500 million loan to Tunisia that continues Bank support for key reforms as the government manages the country’s political transition.

OECD helps countries track and secure climate finance and boost green infrastructure investment and low-carbon technologies

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