Finance & Economics

The European Commission, ECB and IMF on the Third Review Mission to Cyprus

Staff teams from the European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited Nicosia during January 29-February 11, 2014 for the third review of Cyprus's economic program, which is supported by financial assistance from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the IMF.

Economic crisis provides lessons for new approaches to forecasting, says OECD

Extreme volatility during the global financial crisis complicated economic forecasting, leading to large errors that underline the need for better modelling methods and new approaches for making and presenting projections, according to an OECD report.

Switzerland on track to meet aid targets; should play greater leadership role

Switzerland provided USD 3 billion in official development assistance (ODA) in 2012, or 0.45% of its gross national income (GNI), in line with its goal to reach 0.5% of GNI by 2015.

Easier for small firms and citizens to recover debts across borders

Firms or citizens recovering debts across EU borders could be able to get the debtor's bank account frozen under a draft law agreed with Council and endorsed by legal affairs MEPs on Tuesday. The European Account Preservation Order (EAPO) should be quicker and cheaper to use than national proceedings. The EP amended the proposal to prevent abuse and safeguard alleged debtors.

UK needs to tackle high cost of mental-ill health, says OECD

Mental health issues cost the UK around GBP 70 billion every year, or roughly 4.5% of GDP, in lost productivity at work, benefit payments and health care expenditure. Better policies and practices by employers and the health system are needed to help people deal with mental health issues and get back to work, according to a new OECD report.

An IMF Mission to Mauritania

“The mission made progress in the discussions with the Mauritanian authorities on the macroeconomic performance, economic policies and possible future financial support from the IMF.

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2013 Article IV Consultation with Bolivia

Good macroeconomic performance and active social policies since the mid-2000s have helped Bolivia to nearly triple income per capita and reduce poverty. In recent years, the economy benefitted from high international commodity prices and rising volumes of natural gas exports. Coupled with twin surpluses in the fiscal and external accounts, net international reserves have increased to almost 50 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), providing ample buffers against external shocks. Social policies have pursued ambitious redistributive and poverty reduction goals, increasing living standards of vulnerable households.

World Bank Supports Civil Service Reforms and Modernization in Liberia

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved US$2 million for the Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP) to support the ongoing strengthening of the government’s institutional capacity for public sector management.

World Bank Supports Bangladesh in Strengthening Delivery of Urban Services and Quality of Higher Education

The government of Bangladesh signed two financing agreements totaling $535 million with the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessional arm: $410 million for the Municipal Governance and Services Project and $125 million in additional financing for the ongoing Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project.

Frontiers of the EU: the border that ceased to be

The Passerelle Mimram/Mimram-Brücke straddling the river Rhine at Strasbourg is one of the bridges joining two border regions that were once bitterly divided. Before the Alsace region was the stage for a series of bloody battles between France and Germany over who could rule this region. The guns have now fallen silent and locals are more than content to sample the best of what both countries have to offer in terms of employment, housing and education.