Finance & Economics

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2014 Article IV Consultation with India

India’s growth has slowed markedly, reflecting global developments and domestic supply constraints, while inflation remains stubbornly high. Led by falling infrastructure and corporate investment, the slowdown has generalized to other sectors of the economy.

World Bank Group Executive Director Visits Bulgaria Reconfirms the Knowledge Partnership


Banks, Greece and SME access to loans top agenda in meeting with Dijsselbloem

MEP Sharon BOWLES with Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup

International Conference on Challenges of Food Price Volatility to Take Place in Rabat

The causes and socio-economic challenges of food price volatility will be discussed at an international conference organized by the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Research Department, OCP Policy Center and New York University’s Center for Technology and Economic Development in Rabat, Morocco, February 25-26 2014.

Ambitious structural reforms can pave the return to strong and sustainable growth, OECD says

Adopting ambitious and comprehensive structural reform agendas will offer governments the best chance for a return to strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth that creates jobs and reduces inequality, according to the OECD’s latest Going for Growth report.

Tunisia: OECD’s Gurría welcomes democratic progress and pledges continued support

OECD Secretary General Angel-Gurría has welcomed Tunisia’s progress towards democratic reconstruction and pledged to support the Tunisian government and people in the challenges ahead.

Money laundering: MEPs vote to end anonymity of owners of companies and trusts

The ultimate owners of companies and trusts would have to be listed in public registers in EU countries, under updated draft anti-money laundering rules approved by the Economic Affairs and the Justice and Home Affairs committees on Thursday. Casinos are included in the scope of the draft rules, but decisions to exclude other gambling services posing a low risk are left to member states.

Report Stresses Need for Bold Moves toward Gender Equality at Work

Empowering women at work advances fight to end poverty, World Bank Group says

A new report by the World Bank Group stresses the need for bold, coordinated actions to advance equal opportunities for women in the world of work, such as addressing gender biases early, expanding women’s access to property and finance, and raising legal retirement ages—with major payoffs in tackling poverty.

8 Million More Filipinos Including Yolanda Victims to Benefit from Expanded Community-Driven Development Project

Newly-approved project to empower more communities to participate in local planning, budgeting and implementation of projects that help reduce poverty

More than eight million Filipinos in 477 poor rural municipalities and areas affected by Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) are expected to have better access to social and economic infrastructure and services. Under the National Community-Driven Development Project (NCDDP), more poor communities across the country will be empowered to participate in local planning, budgeting and implementation of community-level projects that help reduce poverty.

GDP Growth - Fourth Quarter 2013, Quarterly National Accounts, OECD

OECD GDP growth rate stable at 0.6% in fourth quarter of 2013

Provisional estimates show that quarterly real gross domestic product (GDP) in the OECD area rose by 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2013, the same rate as in the previous two quarters.