Finance & Economics

IMF Staff Completes 2017 Article IV and First Review under the ECF Visit to Benin

A staff team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Norbert Toé, Mission Chief for Benin, visited Cotonou from September 13 to 27, 2017 to conduct discussions on the 2017 Article IV consultation and the first review under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement with the Republic of Benin approved by the IMF Executive Board in April 2017.

Targeted Interventions Needed to Deliver More and Better Jobs for North Lebanon

Addressing the employment gap in North Lebanon requires a comprehensive approach that targets both the private sector and the workers, according to a new World Bank report entitled “Jobs for North Lebanon – Value Chains, Labor Markets, Skills and Investment Climate in Tripoli and the North”.

Lao PDR Self-Assessment to Strengthen Public Financial Management Reforms

Lao PDR’s Ministry of Finance launched a review of its expenditure, as part of its continued reforms towards more efficient use of public resources, on September 27.

World Bank supports the Eastern Caribbean Transition to a Blue Economy

The World Bank approved a US$6.3 million grant to support Eastern Caribbean countries to preserve and strengthen resilience of coastal and marine resources, and implement regional policies to stimulate blue growth.

World Bank Group Supports Vietnam to Tackle Non-Performing Loans, Improving Economic Prospects

The World Bank Group is supporting Vietnam to make further progress in resolving non-performing loans, strengthening the banking sector to ensure efficient and effective allocation of capital for economic growth and job creation.

World Bank Study: Entrepreneur Training Focused on Mindset Proves More Effective Than Traditional Business Skills in West Africa

New World Bank study, jointly released with the National University of Singapore Business School, and Leuphana University reveals, on September 22, that psychology-based entrepreneur training programs are outperforming traditional business trainings amongst microentrepreneurs in West Africa, translating into increased firm profits by 30% compared to 11% for traditional business training.

Heads of UN and World Bank Announce Initiative to Ramp Up Finance for Climate Action

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, on September 20, announced plans to accelerate the flow of finance for climate action through a new platform dedicated to identifying and facilitating transformational investments in developing countries.

IMF and the Swiss National Bank Sign SDR 500 million Borrowing Agreement to Support Lending to Low-Income Countries

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), as Trustee of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), and the Swiss National Bank have signed a borrowing agreement through which Switzerland will provide up to SDR 500 million (about US$712.4 million) in new loan resources for the PRGT benefitting the IMF’s low-income member countries.

IMF and the National Bank of Belgium Sign SDR 350 million Borrowing Agreement to Support Lending to Low-Income Countries

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), as Trustee of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), and the National Bank of Belgium have signed a borrowing agreement through which Belgium will provide up to SDR 350 million (about US$498.7 million) in new loan resources for the PRGT benefitting the IMF’s low-income member countries.

Changes in Technology and Trade Disrupting Manufacturing-Led Development

New Policies Needed to Ensure Developing Countries Can Compete

Advances in technology and changing trade patterns are affecting opportunities for export-led manufacturing. Smart automation, advanced robotics and 3-D printing are new factors influencing which locations are attractive for production. While these shifts threaten significant disruptions in future employment, particularly for low-skilled workers, they also offer opportunities, according to a new report released by the World Bank Group, on September.