Finance & Economics

U.S. Latinos Suffer High Hunger, Poverty Rates

Analysis released by Bread for the World on October 5, shows that Latinos living in the United States have much higher rates of hunger and poverty than the general population.

Italy should continue reforms to improve people’s skills and boost growth

Full and effective implementation of recent reforms, including the Jobs Act and the Good Schools reform, would help boost growth in Italy by improving people’s skills and ensuring their more effective use across the country, according to a new OECD report.

Philippines’ medium-term outlook remains positive: World Bank report

The latest economic update also cites increasing risks to growth and the need for strong policy commitment and consistency

The Philippine economy is projected to continue its strong growth path in the next two years, riding on improved global demand for Philippine exports, robust domestic consumption, and expected higher government investments in infrastructure. In the long term, unlocking the potential of Mindanao is key to reducing poverty and achieving more inclusive growth in the country.

Statement at the end of an IMF Mission to the Republic of Congo

An IMF staff team headed by Abdoul Aziz Wane visited Brazzaville from September 25 to October 4, 2017 to collect information, including to reassess the country’s debt, discuss cash management with the authorities, and conduct a scoping for a diagnostic study on governance issues in the Republic of Congo.

Progress on gender equality far too slow

Countries need to do much more to close gender gaps worldwide, according to a new OECD report.
The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An Uphill Battle presents a stark call to action, highlighting that very little progress has been made since the 2012 OECD report Closing the Gender Gap Now.

IMF Staff Team Completes Review Visit to the Central African Republic

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Samir Jahjah visited Bangui from September 22 to October 3 to conduct discussions on the third review of the program supported by an Extended Credit Facility (ECF). Mr. Roger Nord, Deputy Director of the IMF’s African Department, joined the team from September 22 to 26.

Commission reports on employment and social situation in the EU: record high employment rates and signs of improvement for the youth

The EU remains on a firm path towards more employment and growth according to the latest Quarterly Review on Employment and Social Developments in Europe.

Employment in the EU continues to grow at a consistent pace and in almost all Member States. Employment increased by 1.5 % in the EU and 1.6% in the euro area in the second quarter of 2017 compared tothe same period in 2016.There are 3.5 million and 2.4 million more people employed in the EU and euro area compared to last year.

Myanmar's Economy is Projected to Pick Up Amid Downside Risks

Developing East Asia Pacific growth of 6.4 percent for 2017 enables more space for addressing longer-term regional challenges, and can support Myanmar’s economy.

Despite important risks, Myanmar’s economy is expected to recover this year, with growth rising from 5.9 percent in 2016 to 6.4 percent. Public and private investments in priority infrastructure services such as power and transportation are projected to pick up and inflation is expected to ease further, according to the October 2017 edition of the Myanmar Economic Monitor.

IMF Staff Team Completes Mission to Côte d’Ivoire

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Dan Ghura visited Abidjan from September 19 to October 3, 2017 to hold discussions on the second review of the three-year economic and financial program supported by the IMF through arrangements under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and the Extended Fund Facility (EFF).

Ukraine Needs Faster Growth of 4 Percent or More

Reforms are needed to accelerate growth, address fiscal and external vulnerabilities, and improve living standards for the Ukrainian people

Ukraine’s economy grew by 2.4 percent in the first half of 2017, following growth of 2.3 percent in 2016, according to the World Bank’s latest Ukraine Economic Update. While the resumption of growth is a positive development, this is a weak recovery since it follows a cumulative 16 percent contraction in 2014 and 2015.